Information Systems

Condition Assessment Information System (CAIS)
The Condition Assessment Information System (CAIS) is a web-based cost estimating application that provides condition assessment information to ensure real property assets are maintained in a manner that will continue to meet DOE program goals.  CAIS uses industry standard deficiency systems (Uniformat II) and construction costing information to implement a costing algorithm for generating deficiency repair and replacement costs.  The system supports and implements the requirements of DOE Order 430.1b (Real Property Asset Management Order).

Through an easy to use interface with the Facilities Information Management System (FIMS), CAIS can upload critical data elements to FIMS which include Repair Needs, Deferred Maintenance, Modernization Cost and Last Inspection Date.  CAIS also provides the capability to develop projects for reducing Repair Needs and Deferred Maintenance backlogs as well as replacing/upgrading assets. 

The CAIS user friendly interface which includes capabilities such as ad-hoc reports, standard reports, archive and data element customization make this an effective tool understanding the condition of the Department’s assets.

Facilities Information Management System (FIMS)
As stewards of a national resource, the Department of Energy is using the Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) as a tool that assists us in managing our corporate physical assets.  FIMS is the Department's corporate real property database for real property as required by DOE Order 430.1B Real Property Asset Management order.  The system provides the Department with an accurate inventory and management tool that assists with planning and managing all real property assets.  Real property includes land and anything permanently affixed to it, such as buildings, fences, and building fixtures (lights, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, etc).  Complete and accurate information on real property holdings is critical to the Department for managing facilities and reporting to the General Services Administration (GSA), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Congress, and the taxpayers.  

The data elements within FIMS are sponsored by various Headquarters program offices.  As a data element sponsor, the program offices are responsible for defining the data element, providing guidance, and justifying the need to collect the data within FIMS.  Information is tracked on an individual asset basis.  The data is organized by ownership which includes DOE Owned, DOE Leased, DOE Ingrant, Contractor Leased, Contractor License, Institutional Control, Permit, GSA Owned and GSA Leased.

FIMS provides DOE and contractor personnel with online access to DOE facility information.  It is an important asset management and planning tool for DOE Headquarters and the Field Offices.

Draft DOE directives online review, comment, and approval system (RevCom)
RevCom is an online, real-time web application to manage and support the collaborative development, review, approval, and dissemination of new and revised Departmental Directives.

Using RevCom, authorized federal and contractor employees at DOE Headquarters, designated field locations and national laboratories can review and comment on draft Directives for content, relevance, applicability, accuracy, impact and implementation cost. The results of these reviews are forwarded through the appropriate points of contact to the approving official and Office of Primary Interest (OPI) for approval.

Sustainability Dashboard

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is required to meet sustainability goals mandated by statute and related Executive Orders (E.O.), including goals for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy and water use, fleet optimization, green buildings, and renewable energy. Each year, DOE tracks performance and reports progress towards these goals by providing the annual Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Annual Energy Report, Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan (SSPP), and related reports to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the White House Council for Environmental Quality (CEQ), and Congress.