Review of Hanford Site Sludge Treatment Project Engineering Container Retrieval and Transfer System Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis
Office of Enterprise Assessments
April 14, 2015April 2015
Review of Hanford Site Sludge Treatment Project Engineering Container Retrieval and Transfer System Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis
The Office of Nuclear Safety and Environmental Assessments, within the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) independent Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA), within the Office of Environment, Safety and Health Assessments conducted an independent assessment of the DOE Hanford Site Sludge Treatment Project Engineered Container Retrieval and Transfer System Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis (PDSA), Revision (Rev) 00. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate the evolution of the safety bases, the design, and the associated technical supporting documents for the Sludge Treatment Project Engineered Container Retrieval and Transfer System PDSA, as well as to continue to evaluate the PDSA’s compliance with applicable requirements and standards. The EA review is a follow-up to a previous EA assessment of PDSA, Rev 0, which was documented in an EA interim report dated January 2014. The previous and follow-up EA assessments were conducted during the period of July 12, 2013, through July 22, 2014.