Energy Storage Research and Development 2014 Annual Report

The Energy Storage research and development (R&D) subprogram within the Department of Energy's Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) provides support and guidance for projects focusing on batteries for plug-in electric vehicles. The 2014 Energy Storage R&D...

Vehicle Technologies Office

March 30, 2015
minute read time

The Energy Storage research and development (R&D) subprogram within the DOE Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) provides support and guidance for projects focusing on batteries for plug-in electric vehicles. Program targets focus on overcoming technical barriers to enable market success including: (1) significantly reducing battery cost, (2) increasing battery performance (power, energy, durability), (3) reducing battery weight & volume, and (4) increasing battery tolerance to abusive conditions such as short circuit, overcharge, and crush.

This report describes the progress made on the research and development projects funded by the Energy Storage subprogram in 2014. 

Past years' reports are listed on the Annual Progress Reports page. The document is very large; it has been divided into sections for easier use.  The first section covers the Vehicle Technologies Office overview; the Battery subprogram R&D overview; Advanced Battery Development project summaries; and Battery Testing, Analysis, and Design project summaries.  It also includes the cover and table of contents.  The second section covers the summaries of the Applied Batteries Research for Transportation Projects.  The third section includes Focused Fundamental Research project summaries, the list of contributors and collaborators, and a list of acronyms used.