Narrator: A typical university campus resembles a mini city, with wide ranging interior and exterior lighting applications, making a college or university an ideal testing ground when considering conversion to LED. The Princeton University campus in Princeton, New Jersey includes more than 180 buildings on 500 acres.

William Evans, Electrical Engineer, Princeton University: We decided to explore and start using LED lighting at Princeton, because we have an overarching goal that by the year 2020, we will reduce our carbon footprint down to 1990 levels, and LED lighting was identified as a key aspect of helping us to reduce our carbon footprint in the area of lighting.

Narrator: Elm Drive cuts through the heart of the Princeton campus, and is a major vehicle and pedestrian route. A pilot project in 2008 involved replacing a few high pressure sodium lamps with LED along the pedestrian path next to Elm Drive and near the edge of campus.

William Evans: Before we did a whole parking lot of 130 fixtures, we started out with 8 fixtures in a walkway. We tested it out. We looked at it. We let other people look at it. Prior to the installation, the students and staff had not been using that walkway because after dark they simply didn't feel safe. After we installed the LED lights, we received reports back that actually they had begun using that walkway again, because it was brighter, the light was more consistent, and it was spread more evenly between the poles. So I saw that as a real positive win for our pilot project with LED outdoor lighting.

Narrator: Five years later, several locations around the Princeton campus had been converted to LED.

William Evans: A few of our LED lighting installations at Princeton consist of parking lot lighting, garage lighting, as well as a number of installations of LED lighting in office environments.

Narrator: Savings to date have been significant, and Princeton's master plan predicts reductions of two to three megawatts from the implementation of LED lighting and controls across campus; a major component of the school's overall sustainability and carbon reduction program.