Webinar March 26: Energy Storage for a Greener and More Resilient Grid

The increasing penetration of variable renewable generation storage is now becoming one of the hottest topics in the utility industry. Research on materials and devices has increased cost-effectiveness, cycle life, and safety. The presentation by OE’...

Office of Electricity

March 19, 2015
minute read time

On March 26, IEEE will offer a webinar on Energy Storage featuring Dr. Imre Gyuk, OE’s Program Manager for Energy Storage Research. The webinar entitled “Energy Storage for a Greener and More Resilient Grid” will be offered as part of IEEE’s Smart Grid webinar series. The presentation will provide an introduction to grid energy storage focusing on OE’s Recovery Act-funded projects as examples. Grid stability, peak shaving, and renewable integration will be among the application topics.  Li-ion batteries, advanced lead carbon batteries, flow battery systems, and flywheels will be among the technologies involved. Also included will be information on the program’s storage safety initiative and a presentation of recent collaborations on resilience projects with states such as Vermont, Washington, and Oregon.

  • Energy Storage
  • Clean Energy
  • Renewable Energy
  • Electricity Industry Insights