2012 Federal Energy and Water Management Award Winners

The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize individuals, groups, and agencies for their outstanding contributions in the areas of energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of advanced and renewable energy technologies at federal facilities. Winners of the 2012 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards include:

Recipients of the 2012 awards were honored at a ceremony held at 1 p.m. on Thursday, October 4, 2012, in the U.S. Department of Interior's Sidney R. Yates Auditorium.


Charles Benson
U.S. Department of the Navy
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest
Silverdale, Washington

Charles Benson has played an instrumental role in awarding nearly $34 million in utility energy service contract (UESC) projects and energy services for Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Northwest. When contracting authority for the energy program transferred to NAVFAC Northwest in 2006, Mr. Benson was assigned responsibility for implementing two new UESC basic ordering agreements between the Navy, Puget Sound Energy, and the Bonneville Power Administration. With no prior UESC experience, Mr. Benson took the initiative to learn about the program, navigate the approvals process, and educate his superiors in order to implement the contracts. Having become the Navy's Northwest Region expert for UESCs, Mr. Benson has also mentored other contracting specialists in UESCs–ensuring NAVFAC Northwest's maintains a strong commitment to energy efficiency, water conservation, and renewable energy projects far into the future.

Kevin Funk
U.S. General Services Administration
Public Buildings Service Mid-Atlantic Region
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

In only eight months, contract specialist Kevin Funk restructured the General Services Administration (GSA) Mid-Atlantic Region's entire procurement process by developing a user-friendly guide that provides for step-by-step compliance with the national green purchasing policy. Building upon GSA's Green Purchasing Plan, which was established in January of 2011 and includes requirements for promoting the purchase of environmentally sustainable products and services, Mr. Funk developed the GSA Mid-Atlantic Region's Green Purchasing Guide. GSA's new approach far exceeded previous standards, and the guidance that Mr. Funk provided to project teams on how to implement these new requirements was essential to the Mid-Atlantic Region's purchase and use of sustainable products. Moreover, Mr. Funk developed a Google-based regional tool that helps contracting officers and contractors track the products purchased in each project. He also established training courses to educate staff on the policy, implementation guide, and tracking tool. Today, he continues to pioneer green purchasing initiatives and education for both regional and national GSA employees.

Exceptional Service

Daniel Gore
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Coast Guard
Washington, DC

Since Daniel Gore was hired in 2004 to manage the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Energy Program, the group has reduced its shore energy intensity by 26.4 percent, lowered its water intensity by 15.2 percent, and improved its utilization of renewable electricity by 7.2 percent. Starting with a modest budget and no additional staff, Mr. Gore focused heavily on outreach, bringing together a core group of personnel and taking advantage of outside training, conferences, outreach campaigns, and recognition opportunities to mobilize a successful team. His efforts established a community that now consists of hundreds of employees. To date, Mr. Gore has guided the award of nine energy savings performance contracts (one including the first-ever embedded photovoltaic energy savings agreement), three utility energy service contracts, and one power purchase agreement. He also negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding with the Defense Logistics Agency that guarantees the USCG military standard rates, saving nearly $200 million since 2006 when compared to purchases via the open market. His prior employment with the Maritime Administration's energy and emissions program came full circle in FY 2011 as Mr. Gore facilitated cutter energy audits and algae based bio-fuel testing for the USCG.

Lawrence Johnson
U.S. Department of the Air Force
Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota

During his tenure serving as lead project engineer for more than twenty-five buildings at Minot Air Force Base (AFB), Lawrence Johnson successfully encouraged the Air Force to integrate ground source heat pump technology into all new and renovated construction on the base. Mr. Johnson was responsible for the decentralization of Minot's highly inefficient heating system, which was so costly to maintain that it threatened to shut down the base. He designed Minot's first heat pump system and proceeded to become an expert in the field, with some private firms now using his design ideas for heat pumps, energy recovery ventilation, split heat pumps, and well field design. Due to his extensive experience, Mr. Johnson has worked with equipment manufacturers to make domestic hot water systems, boiler systems, and chillers more efficient. Mr. Johnson's career-long efforts have enabled Minot AFB to become one of the most energy efficient installations in the Air Force in terms of both the quantity of energy used and dollars saved. Mr. Johnson currently serves as Minot's Resource Efficiency Manager after leaving civil service in 2011.

Dan Magro
U.S. Department of the Navy
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Engineering Service Center
Port Hueneme, California

Dan Magro has worked in the Navy's energy and water program for 17 years and since 1997 he has coordinated nearly $189.2 million in energy conservation investment program projects and has implemented $280.5 million in energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs). Together these projects have resulted in life cycle energy savings of more than 3 trillion Btu, water savings of 560 million gallons, and cost avoidance of $663 million. Mr. Magro currently leads a team responsible for all Navy project development and execution. In 2004 he worked with the Department of Energy to develop the current policy that provides credits toward energy reduction goals for cogenerating and installing cogeneration on sites. Due in part to this policy change, the Navy has since installed more than 50 megawatts of cogeneration, accounting for a four percent energy reduction per square foot. He is the Navy's subject matter expert on water savings, and authored a guide that assists installations with managing and conserving their water assets. Mr. Magro's leadership on a lean six sigma project resulted in a shortened ESPC process from 18 months to 15 months.

Individual Fiscal Year 2011 Achievements

Antonino Piluso
Department of the Navy
Naval Air Station Sigonella
Sicily, Italy

Antonino Piluso's leadership and long-term vision for renewable energy and sustainability helped Naval Air Station Sigonella reduce its energy and water intensity in FY 2011 by 3.5 percent and more than 8 percent respectively when compared with the prior year. Following his promotion to energy manager in early 2011, he quickly developed a high quality, comprehensive energy program. In his new position, Mr. Piluso supervised a wide range of efforts including a natural gas project that is helping to phase out the Air Station's existing diesel and fuel oil storage system that is used to heat the facility's domestic and hydronic water. Additionally, a 100 kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) carport completed in FY 2011 is the base's first large-scale PV project, and is to be followed by a second PV carport and solar thermal hot water projects intended to heat the Air Station swimming pools. Mr. Piluso further supervised a one megawatt PV ground mounted array that is in the final construction planning stages, along with expanded irrigation services from reclaimed water from the base's wastewater treatment plant. Through Mr. Piluso's efforts, the base is planning more than 3 megawatts of renewable projects for implementation over the next seven years. He has also developed a robust building energy manager program, initiating the base's advanced metering implementation project.

Elizabeth Toftemark
U.S. Department of the Air Force
Scott Air Force Base, Illinois

Elizabeth Toftemark executed $6 million in energy savings projects in FY 2011, including chiller and direct digital control replacements; new lighting and windows; and upgrades to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems at Scott Air Force Base (AFB). These efforts resulted in conserving 54 billion Btu and $1.4 million in annual savings. As both the AFB energy and utility program manager, Ms. Toftemark has instituted a comprehensive energy program. Under her direction, Scott AFB has established a new base energy policy that works closely with base facility and safety managers to enforce efficiency requirements. Additionally, Ms. Toftemark developed a multi-faceted outreach program, with educational efforts directed at base personnel as well as schools in the surrounding community. New aspects of the program include an annual bike to work day, dedicated carpool parking to encourage ride sharing, energy saving competitions between the top energy users on the base, and placing "energy pennies" on all power sources to provide a clearer understanding to users of the costs to run the equipment. As a result of her steadfast efforts to correctly identify the base's electrical energy requirement, she saved the base about $2.5 million in negotiating its electrical contract for FY 2010 and FY 2011.

Captain Reid Touchberry
U.S. Air Force
Misawa Air Base, Japan

Following the catastrophic 9.1 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan, energy manager Captain Reid Touchberry led an emergency effort that resulted in savings of 19.4 billion Btu and $720,000 between March and August of 2011. Immediately after the disaster, Captain Touchberry managed limited utility resources to safely restore power to key facilities and implemented the base emergency energy conservation plans. He then began planning for long term operation in a country with a devastated electrical infrastructure. Captain Touchberry provided critical input and vital lessons learned from the recovery to develop a comprehensive power management plan, detailing existing on-base capabilities and actions to be taken during reduced power events. As summer approached, he coordinated with the host nation to ensure Misawa Air Base did not exceed 85 percent of annual peak demand. His efforts ensured that his team could continually monitor base energy demands and maintain promotion of energy conservation measures. Throughout this time, Captain Touchberry also maintained an aggressive energy program including the implementation of a policy resulting in fuel cost savings of $741,000 in FY 2011.


Lieutenant General Robert Allardice
Colonel Bobby Fowler

U.S. Department of the Air Force
Air Mobility Command
Scott Air Force Base, Illinois

In FY 2011 Headquarters Air Mobility Command (AMC) and the AMC Fuel Efficiency Office successfully led the Mobility Air Forces (MAF) aviation fuel conservation effort, which directly saved 42 million gallons of jet fuel and $139.5 million. MAF is the largest single user of aviation fuel in the Air Force, accounting for 63 percent of Air Force aviation fuel consumption. In FY 2011 MAF successfully implemented Mission Index Flying, an in-flight aircraft and pre-flight planning optimization software that brought Cost Index Flying into the MAF processes. Cost Index Flying is an industry best practice flight and planning optimization technique. MAF also secured funding for its KC-135 engine upgrade and KC-10 Drag Cleanup fuel efficiency initiatives. These three initiatives alone are projected to save the Department of Defense $284 million over the next 10 years. AMC also finalized its aviation fuel efficiency governance process in an effort to institutionalize a replicable and sustainable process.

U.S. Department of the Air Force
374 Civil Engineering Squadron Yokota Air Base Energy Team
Yakota Air Base, Japan

At the start of FY 2011, Yokota Air Force base had an established successful energy program, and was on track to cut its energy intensity by 70 billion Btu from the prior year for $1.23 million in savings. Yokota focused program efforts on improving its water, heat, and central boiler plant steam distribution systems. Its semi-annual No Heat/No Cool Program turns off heating and air conditioning systems for up to a month each autumn and spring to save electricity and fuel oil. Additional projects funded in 2011 included chiller upgrades, installation of advanced meters, placement of building automation controls, lighting retrofits, and a water leak detection survey. After the Tohoku earthquake and subsequent tsunami in March, the energy team at Yokota took immediate action, implementing further emergency measures such as shutting down nearly all non-mission essential energy consuming devices. The team's quick response reduced electrical energy usage by 6.5 percent through the end of the summer. The team demonstrated outstanding cohesion and leadership in the face of overwhelming devastation; their actions directly benefitted both the base and the surrounding community.

Thomas Caffee
John Payne
Ray Smalling
Commander Mike Tasker
James Van Coney

U.S. Department of the Navy
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest
Naval Station Everett, Washington

Through a broad array of partnerships and practices that make them a sustainability leader among Navy installations, Naval Station Everett has reduced its energy intensity by about 28 percent, its water intensity by about 57 percent, and fleet petroleum consumption by more than 90 percent from their respective baselines. Naval Station Everett was the first Navy installation to fully benchmark their facilities in the Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star Portfolio Manager. The base has an unprecedented ten Energy Star-certified buildings and two Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold-certified buildings. The Naval Station was also one of the first Navy installations to acquire an advanced metering infrastructure. Eighty-eight percent of Naval Station Everett's vehicle fleet is alternative fuel capable, using 30,000 gallons of biofuels annually. In FY 2011 the site purchased 567 megawatt hours of wind energy, saved 4.4 billion Btu of energy, and conserved 4 million gallons of water through implemented efficiency projects.

U.S. Department of the Navy
Commander Fleet Activities Yokasuka
Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan

Yokosuka Naval Base, Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka (CFAY) initiated an electrical demand reduction program in FY 2011, reducing energy purchased from the local Japanese grid by 25 percent during the peak summer period. The three months of summer energy savings equated to the use of 28 billion Btu less than in FY 2010, and translated into more than $2 million in avoided costs. Program results far exceeded the 15 percent minimum reduction goal required by the Japanese government after the earthquake and tsunami in March. CFAY conducted a focused outreach and education campaign, providing a unified source of energy information that was continually delivered to base personnel through numerous communication channels to ensure maximum campaign exposure. The awareness initiative supplied 15 specific energy reduction steps that assisted members of the community in reducing their peak household and workspace electrical demands. Awareness, individual actions, and communication of new electric load requirements on the part of the entire CFAY community appear to have yielded more than 87 percent of the electric demand reduction. Overall, energy intensity was reduced in FY 2011 by more than 63 percent relative to the FY 2003 baseline.

Doyle Allen
Jim Green

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Between FY 2008 and FY 2011 the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center replaced 33 percent of its gasoline fueled vehicles with electric vehicles, resulting in annual savings of $5,300 and more than 1,600 gallons of fuel–the equivalent of 67 metric tons of carbon dioxide. Having more than 200 maintenance vehicles in use across its 1,000 acre campus, petroleum use at the Center is a critical part of daily operations. Striving to reduce petroleum consumption by 20 percent by 2015 while undergoing continuous growth, the Center elected to implement a plan that would convert its gasoline fueled maintenance fleet with fully electric maintenance vehicles. Today, the Center has replaced 67 vehicles, and is on track to replace additional maintenance fleet vehicles by 2015. The operation of electric vehicles significantly reduced petroleum fuel consumption by 16 percent, exceeding the target goal of 12 percent for FY 2011. Electric vehicles have also demonstrated an operating cost that is approximately 66 percent less than an equivalent gasoline powered vehicle.

Stephen Bollman
Michael Croft
Bill Leonard
John MacDonald
Wes Wigginton

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia

NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) implemented a focused initiative in FY 2011 to increase the use of steam energy produced at its City of Hampton Waste-to-Energy biomass steam plant, while simultaneously reducing use of steam produced at its fossil fuel-powered plant. LaRC's program resulted in a 40 percent reduction in Center-wide natural gas consumption and savings of more than $500,000 from the prior year. LaRC has an extensive steam infrastructure that has been in use for over 60 years for heating and cooling as well as to power research operations. The Biomass Steam Optimization Program, which was made feasible by earlier infrastructure projects, focused on operational and cultural initiatives that overcame communication challenges and entrenched practices. The program was initiated by LaRC steam plant contractors and included LaRC civil servant research personnel along with employees from the City of Hampton. As a direct result of LaRC's program the use of natural gas to produce steam dropped by 47 percent, saving more than 76 billion Btu, and water consumption decreased by five percent, or 2 million gallons, from FY 2010. The program also reduced LaRC's greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of more than 4,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide in FY 2011.

Steve Davis
Andrew Walters

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
National Cemetery Administration
Washington, DC

The National Cemetery Administration (NCA) initiated a new way of "preplacing" concrete burial vaults that saved 200 million gallons of water in FY 2011 alone. NCA currently operates 131 national veteran's cemeteries and performs 60,000 casketed burials each year. During the 1990's NCA began investigating pre-installing concrete burial vaults rather than excavating and placing them in the gravesite just prior to burial. After years of improving its methods, materials, and equipment, in FY 2011 the preplaced method was finally adopted for new and existing state and federal veteran's cemeteries. Land and gravesite construction costs were reduced by 50 percent due to a decrease in land, sod, and irrigation system requirements. Additionally, annual maintenance costs decreased by $34,000 per acre per year due to reduced mowing, irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer applications, and the need for correcting soil settlement. As a whole the program saved more than $5 million in FY 2011, with additional savings expected as more vaults are installed. Further illustrating its commitment to conservation, the new vaults utilize approximately 15 percent fly ash in place of cement, which reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 900 metric tons in FY 2011.


Brad Butler
Tom Denslow
Mike Kinman
Ronald Miller
Eric Watson

U.S. Department of the Air Force
Dyess Air Force Base, Texas

In FY 2011 Dyess Air Force Base (AFB) implemented eight major initiatives that resulted in savings of almost 30 billion Btu and $1.8 million in energy costs. These programs helped the base achieve a 26.5 percent reduction in energy consumption from the 2003 baseline. As part of the initiative, a multi-organizational team comprised of contract specialists, tradesmen, and engineers installed variable flow refrigerant systems that are 25 percent more efficient than the conventional systems they replaced. The team also upgraded energy management control systems in 17 facilities; installed more than 2,600 state-of-the art microphonic technology lighting occupancy sensors in more than 100 facilities; implemented 844 smart heating, ventilation, and air conditioning controls in 11 dormitories; and installed ceramic bead coating on more than 63,000 square feet of roof space. Dyess AFB also confirmed its commitment to the local community by using on-base generators to supplement grid power during several severe weather events, allowing the state of Texas to minimize rolling black outs.

The team at Dyess AFB put together a short video showcasing their efforts.

Ray Barbeau
Rob Harris
Christine Hull

U.S. Department of the Army
Fort Bragg, North Carolina

The Community Emergency Services Station (CESS) at Fort Bragg is the Army's first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum facility. Designed to be 35 percent more energy efficient than a typical building, the CESS proved monumentally successful. Energy use in the first six months showed savings of about 293 million Btu–20 percent more than expected. The building includes energy saving features such as concrete building blocks, a transpired solar collector, geothermal heat pumps, solar domestic hot water heating, a cool roof, and natural light that reaches more than 90 percent of regularly occupied spaces. The CESS also uses 83 percent less potable water than a typical building of its size, saving about 38,900 gallons annually. These savings are achieved through low-flow fixtures and a 10,000 gallon underground cistern that captures 45,000 gallons of rainwater per year for toilet flushing and vehicle washing. The CESS project also diverted 90 percent of construction waste from the waste stream through recycling and reuse. The 8,250 square foot building provides emergency services to approximately 5,500 soldiers and family members.

Charles Castelli
Nathan Edwards
Charles Gibson
Donald Robbins
Thomas Wildoner

U.S. Department of the Army
Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania

Tobyhanna Army Depot implemented a leak detection effort that has already reduced water usage by 34 percent from its baseline–significant progress toward meeting its net zero water goal of a 50 percent reduction by FY 2020. The Depot began with a comprehensive survey of its water distribution system. After several major leaks were found and repaired, the site subsequently installed 55 acoustic leak detection sensors in FY 2011. The data loggers, which are attached magnetically to major valve stems along the water distribution system, record water sound level and frequency. The data collected is transmitted to a downloading device on the underside of the valve box covers in which the loggers are secured. Extended antennae allow personnel to drive by each sensor location to receive the transmission of data, which is then copied to a computer for display and analysis. During the last seven months of FY 2011, the sensors successfully identified eight water leaks through routine monthly surveillance. It is estimated that the repaired leaks decreased site water use by more than 46,000 gallons per day, lowering annual water use by 17 million gallons from the prior year.

Gene Curtiss
Mir Khan
Marisela Leyva
Robert Lopez III
Donald Vincent

U.S. Department of the Army
Fort Bliss, Texas

Fort Bliss implemented a $9.7 million energy savings performance contract in FY 2011 that included energy conservation measures estimated to have yielded more than 58 billion Btu and $1.2 million in annual savings. By innovatively bundling multiple projects, the contracts team was able to achieve a net gain in energy savings that allowed the installation to take advantage of technology not previously deployed on an Army site–the utilization of parabolic collectors to preheat domestic water and the deployment of solar cooling through an absorption chiller. The project also maximized its gains by leveraging appropriated funding to maintain, restore, and modernize facilities by using the contract as a tool for replacing dilapidated equipment. Projects implemented through the task order included lighting upgrades and occupancy sensors, electric motor replacement, utility monitoring and controls systems improvements, wall insulation, solar thermal systems, solar cooling and solar domestic hot water systems, solar photovoltaic systems, chiller replacement, and water heating system replacements.

Jeff Allen
Charles Howell
Sidney Mohseni
Jorge Perez
Bernadette Rose

U.S. Marine Corps
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California

Early in FY 2011 Marine Corp Base Camp Pendleton completed construction of a 1.48 megawatt photovoltaic (PV) system that generates about 8.5 billion Btu annually and has already saved the base more than $350,000 in energy costs during its first year of operation. The project was completed at the closed Box Canyon Landfill site without impact to the inactive landfill cap, and represents the largest PV system on a U.S. Marine Corps base and one of the largest in San Diego County. The system consists of 6,300 PV modules constructed on 225 array structures. The PV racks are supported by four precast concrete ballasts with a gravel base foundation and adjustable frame to support the modules and further settling of the landfill cap. Eight additional PV systems also went on line during FY 2011, bringing the total capacity of new renewable energy on the base to 3.12 megawatts. Total annual generation from these systems is projected at 18.7 billion Btu, which will save about $760,440 in annual electricity costs. Combined with other energy efficiency efforts, the systems helped Camp Pendleton reduce its energy use by more than six percent compared to FY 2010.

U.S. Marine Corps
Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Georgia

In FY 2011 Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany implemented a $20 million energy savings performance contract that delivers process steam and 1.9 megawatt of renewable electric power to the base using landfill gas collected from a nearby landfill. This contract and other renewable energy projects implemented in FY 2011 will save the base more than 135 billion Btu and $2.2 million annually, with an estimated reduction in greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 19,300 metric tons of carbon dioxide. The cogeneration plant consists of a dual-fuel engine generator and a stack heat recovery steam generator capable of delivering 3.3 million Btu per hour of steam from exhaust gas heat. Two dual-fuel boilers also provide a capacity of 10 million Btu per hour of steam production from renewable fuel. The plant can use landfill gas, natural gas, or a blend of the two fuels. As the base's actions exhibit, Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany is committed to becoming a net zero installation by focusing on energy efficiency and on-site renewable energy development. All renewable energy projects implemented at the base in FY 2011 produce an estimated 16.9 billion Btu, equivalent to more than 10 percent of the installation's total electricity consumption.

Greg Alsin
Phil Beste
Lee Anne Fowler
Nick Rau
Thomas Wellner

U.S. Department of the Navy
Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport, Washington

The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport successfully completed a $16 million energy savings performance contract (ESPC) project in FY 2011 that reduced the command's total energy use by more than 30 percent from the prior year. In total the ESPC contributes an annual energy savings of more than 77 billion Btu and provides an annual cost avoidance of more than $2 million. The primary intent of the ESPC was to reduce energy and water use by decentralizing Keyport's aging steam plant, which was prone to steam leaks, poor condensate return, and high maintenance needs. The ESPC repaired two significant underground water leaks, dramatically reducing water consumption by approximately 28 percent from the previous year. The project also installed energy efficient infrastructure for 37 buildings and implemented geothermal heat pumps and solar water heating systems that save 650 million Btu in annual renewable energy production. It is estimated that the projects reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of more than 5,870 metric tons of carbon dioxide.

Department of the Navy
Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida

Naval Air Station (NAS) Jacksonville completed the largest utility energy service contract project to date in the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast Region, reducing its energy intensity by four percent and water consumption by 24 percent from the prior year during only four months of operation in FY 2011. This is equal to savings of 34 billion Btu of energy and 79 million gallons of water, respectively. The $17.3 million project audited more than 30 facilities and incorporated numerous upgrades including air handler unit ultraviolet lights, motor variable frequency drives, direct digital controls, fuel conversions, chiller retrofits and replacements, and boiler replacements. The venture also addressed heating, ventilation, and air conditioning mechanical opportunities such as chiller retrofits with magnetic bearing compressors. Exemplifying the contract's success, roof-mounted solar water heating systems were installed at several facilities, delivering an average of 3.8 million Btu per day. The first year of renewable cost savings exceeded $30,000. Once fully implemented, the contract is expected to result in annual savings of more than 65 billion Btu and $3.3 million, with estimated avoided greenhouse gas emissions of about 9,840 metric tons of carbon dioxide.

Anna Beard
Christy Holt
Jane Nations

U.S. Department of Energy
National Nuclear Security Administration
Y-12 National Security Complex
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

In FY 2011 the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) replaced a 1950's era coal-fired boiler steam plant with a new centralized steam plant using natural gas-fired packaged boiler systems. This undertaking cut Y-12's electricity consumption by 57 percent, saving more than 15 billion Btu and more than $126,000 annually in power costs. Steam is vital to Y-12's operation, and the clean burning plant has significantly reduced the environmental impacts of steam generation. The new plant is constructed on a brownfield site and is 69 percent smaller. With 30 percent greater efficiency, flexible operations, and automated controls, the new plant also saves $27 million in deferred maintenance costs, more than $3.4 million per year in fuel and operating costs, and $700,000 annually in eliminated wastewater treatment costs. Additionally, the production of thousands of tons of coal ash annually since 1954 has been eliminated, along with removing the need for coal storage and the treatment of coal storage storm water runoff. The plant also reduced greenhouse gases emissions by the equivalent of more than 50,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide–a 27 percent reduction from FY 2010.

Ric Alesch
Lorenza Fong
Bethany Mills
Tara Moore
John Williams

U.S. Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
Thousand Oaks, California

The Net-Zero Energy Student Intern Center is the first grid-tied net-zero energy facility completed by the National Park Service (NPS), achieving the Federal standard for 2020 ten years ahead of time. A 35 kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) system provides more than 100 percent of the facility's energy needs, with the surplus significantly contributing to the electricity requirements of a nearby NPS building. The new facility is heated and cooled by a highly efficient ground source heat pump system with a unique feature to increase thermal transmission from the soil to the pipe loops. This system produces about 15 million Btu of renewable thermal energy per year. Together the renewable energy systems avoid greenhouse gas emissions of about 22 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. Designed for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold equivalence, the building includes numerous other sustainable features, including a compact design, the use of low-flow water fixtures, and no landscape irrigation. The Center provides housing for up to 16 student interns and researchers working in the park who otherwise would not be able to find affordable housing in the area.

Carol Fix
David Hendrix
Meaghan Nelson
Craig Swedenborg
Todd Turner

U.S. Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Neosho National Fish Hatchery
Neosho, Missouri

In FY 2011 the Neosho National Fish Hatchery, the oldest operating Federal fish hatchery, completed construction on its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold-rated visitor center, which yields energy performance at least 34 percent better than a standard building. The 9,800 square-foot building employs several energy efficiency strategies including a cool roof, energy-efficient lighting and daylighting, low-e glazed windows, and a 31 ton geothermal heat pump. The 3.36 kilowatt net-metered solar photovoltaic array produces 16 million Btu per year of renewable electric power that helps reduce greenhouse gases by the equivalent of 42 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. Additionally, low-volatile organic compound carpets, paints, and adhesives provide a healthy indoor work environment. Many building elements that reduce the environmental footprint are composed of recycled materials, including insulation, acoustical ceiling tiles, ceramic tile, restroom partitions, and the exterior deck. Further, low-flow plumbing conserves more than 28,200 gallons of water annually, while water-efficient landscaping such as native plants and forbs eliminates the need for irrigation. Storm-water containment and drainage swales also help to maximize water conservation.

Michael Crocker
Sheri Fetherman
Jackie Jacobson
Lloyd Jones
Gary Williams

U.S. Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Audubon National Wildlife Refuge
Coleharbor, North Dakota

With an Energy Star rating of 87, the Audubon National Wildlife Refuge's new 17,123 square-foot Visitor Center and Headquarters building uses at least 40 percent less energy than a standard building. Energy-saving strategies include a cool roof, daylighting, low-e glazed windows, energy efficient lighting, passive solar architecture, and Energy Star-rated appliances. The super-insulated Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold-rated facility is heated and cooled by a 37-ton geothermal heat pump system. A net-metered, grid-tied 11.04 kilowatt solar photovoltaic (PV) array and nine PV outdoor lights produce approximately 79 million Btu of renewable power annually. The exterior fixtures direct light downward to ensure the visual access to the night sky and prevent disruption of nocturnal animal habitat. Many building elements are composed of recycled materials, including fiber cement siding; acoustical ceiling tiles; carpet; ceramic tile; restroom partitions, and recycled glass countertops. Low-flow plumbing conserves 17,430 gallons of water annually, with native plantings and storm-water management helping to further maximize water conservation.

Anthony Arles
Charlotte Armstrong
Pamela Komer
Jesse Maestas
Cassandra Walbert

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Coast Guard, Puerto Rico

In December 2010 the U.S. Coast Guard awarded a $58.8 million combined energy savings performance contract (ESPC) and energy services agreement (ESA)–employing a first-of-its-kind execution strategy for the Federal Government. Covering multiple Coast Guard facilities in Puerto Rico, this roof renovation and photovoltaic (PV) installation project is the largest solar project in the history of the Department of Homeland Security. The first phase alone saved more than 10 billion Btu of energy and 7.6 million gallons of water in FY 2011. Embedding an ESA within an ESPC financing vehicle allowed the Coast Guard to take advantage of a $6.5 million U.S. Treasury Grant tax incentive and 23-year performance period that would otherwise not have been attainable. The first phase of the planned two-phase ESPC restored dilapidated housing roofs, applied an innovative cool roof technology to all residential housing and several support buildings on the island, and installed 2.89 megawatts of primarily roof-mounted PV arrays. The second phase of the project will incorporate upgrades to lighting, controls, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, weatherization, and window film.

Brian Bomgaars
Viri Chavez
Gregory Fudala
Mark McCready
William VanderJagt

U.S. General Services Administration
Public Buildings Service Great Lakes Region
Gerald R. Ford Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Implemented at the General Services Administration's (GSA) Gerald R. Ford Federal Building in FY 2011, two separate projects collectively reduced facility energy use by 26 percent and water use by 29 percent from the prior year. This equates to savings of 4 billion Btu of energy and 1.4 million gallons of water. The first group of projects included installation of a new high efficiency chiller, featuring magnetic bearings, and high efficiency pumps. In replacing the chillers, the project team focused on acquiring the most state-of-the-art and energy efficient technology, the incremental cost of which will be saved many times over during the system's life-cycle. As a result of the success demonstrated by the magnetic bearing chillers, they are now being recommended for all future chiller purchases at other GSA locations. The second group of projects included installation of a new white roof, cooling tower, condenser water pumps, chilled water pumps, building automation system upgrades, and insulation repair. These projects transformed an already efficient facility into one of the top performing buildings in GSA's portfolio.

Peter Barker
Noretta Lleshi
Waikit Lui
Jeffrey Schetrompf
Sarah Wenninger

U.S. General Services Administration
New England Region
Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Federal Building
Boston, Massachusetts

The General Services Administration (GSA) completed a unique hybrid solar energy and water heating project at the O'Neill building in FY 2011 that produced 64 million photovoltaic (PV) Btu and 51 million thermal Btu in FY 2011, exceeding performance expectations. The $565,600 project installed a 30 kilowatt PV array and supplies at least 20 percent of the building's hot water. The solar and thermal renewable projects occupy the same footprint to provide the highest energy density per surface area, thereby delivering the highest financial return. This hybrid approach utilized relatively new technology that had never been implemented in such a large installation in the United States. Lessons learned from the O'Neill project have helped reduce the cost of producing similar systems by approximately 40 percent when coupled with decreases in material costs. This project was also selected to be one of GSA's Green Proving Ground 'test bed' projects. Test bed projects are studied more thoroughly, with an emphasis on monitoring and verification, for possible replication throughout GSA's inventory. Project outcomes will be promoted as lessons-learned for both GSA and its industry partners.

Bruce Bishop
Anthony Dell'Arciprete
Eric Murphy
Ron Runnion
Ed Weaver

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia

In FY 2011 NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) completed construction of a 79,000 square foot Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum office building that uses 31.5 percent less energy than a standard office building and 59 percent less energy than an average LaRC office building. The project demolished 148,000 square feet of old, inefficient space, yielding a 69,000 square foot net increase in green space. All of the building's heating and cooling needs are met through a geothermal well system. Photovoltaic (PV) panels on the penthouse roof provide three percent of the electrical power and a prototype PV solar film covers the skylight window. The building reduces potable water use by 41 percent. It also incorporates a vegetated roof and water retention area on the North side of the building to minimize storm water runoff by up to 90 percent. These features contribute to the Center's overall sustainability goals, saving or avoiding $2.5 million per year in operations and maintenance costs. The new building is the first phase of LaRC's New Town Program Plan, a long term facilities modernization program.

Better Buildings (Fiscal Year 2011)

George Doktorczyk
Marvin Kirshenbaum
George Norek
Dejan Ristic
Brenda Teaster

U.S. Department of Energy
Argonne National Laboratory, Building 438
Argonne, Illinois

In FY 2011 Building 438 at Argonne National Laboratory achieved a 24 percent reduction in energy use through upgrades to lighting systems and plumbing fixtures and the inclusion of a heat recovery system from a nearby building. The building is about 23,700 square feet and was built in 1996 as a laboratory and office module. Argonne replaced T-12 fluorescent lighting with light-emitting diode fixtures that work with occupancy sensors, resulting in a 60 percent reduction in lighting energy consumption. High-efficiency sinks and urinals installed in restrooms reduce water consumption by 49,150 gallons per year. The building also uses waste heat generated by Argonne's Advanced Photon Source scientific tools and instruments to pre-heat outdoor ventilation air, resulting in savings of approximately 125 million Btu per year. Together the projects reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 22 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Houston VA Regional Office
Houston, Texas

The 16 year old Houston VA Regional Office reduced both its electric and water consumption by more than 27 percent in FY 2011 through several initiatives, resulting in cost savings of about $9,000 per month. The office replaced 1,879 lighting fixtures containing core and coil ballasts with T-12 fluorescent lamps to the new Energy Star electronic ballasts with T-8 lamps, resulting in more than a 10 percent reduction in overall energy use. The facility also replaced its 15-year-old air cooled chillers with new super-efficient chillers coupled with an energy management system, reducing energy consumption by another 15 percent. Chiller energy use is monitored on a daily basis, with chemical composition adjusted daily to avoid scaling and clogging of water lines to maintain maximum efficiency. The facility also installed water-efficient restroom and irrigation equipment. The Houston VA Regional Office building was awarded 2012 Energy Star certification by the Environmental Protection Agency.