Enterprise Assessments Review, Savannah River Site 2014 Site-Level Exercise - January 2015

Review of the Savannah River Site 2014 Site-Level Exercise

Office of Enterprise Assessments

January 30, 2015
minute read time

January 2015

Review of the Savannah River Site 2014 Site-Level Exercise

The Office of Emergency Management Assessments, within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA), conducted a review at the Savannah River Site (SRS) to evaluate SRS’s preparedness for responding to a hazardous material event and to assess SRS’s compliance with DOE Order 151.1C, Comprehensive Emergency Management System. EA also evaluated the ability of various response organizations to recognize specific hazardous situations, notify appropriate onsite and offsite organizations and agencies, implement appropriate protective actions, establish command and control of the simulated emergency event, mitigate the event, and plan for recovery operations to comply with DOE site-level exercise requirements.