Partnership and Acquisition Services

NNSA’s Office of Partnership and Acquisition Services was established in 2022 to focus on the delivery of efficient and effective acquisitions.

The office provides the NNSA Administrator, Program, and Field Offices independent counsel to ensure NNSA implements federal acquisition policies and regulations.

NNSA’s acquisition office:

  • provides independent dedicated acquisition and oversight that aligns contract incentives with taxpayer interests;
  • provides clear lines of authority and accountability for federal and contractor personnel;
  • strengthens cost estimating and alternative assessments and evaluation.
  • A unique aspect of the Department is its use of Management and Operating (M&O) contracts, which are central to the Department of Energy’s (DOE) business model.

    The Department’s M&O contract arrangement, which represents 90% of the agency’s mission, was put in place during the Manhattan Project era to take advantage of the technical talent of the nation’s universities and private companies in support of national security and other national priorities. M&Os become accountable and responsible for both managing their sites and facilities while accomplishing the mission. This arrangement allows for a streamlined federal workforce to oversee the work.

    The NNSA federal business approach applied today puts the burden and risk on the M&O. When the M&O contractor performs well, it receives a performance fee. With poor performance, the fee is reduced, eliminated entirely or the contract is rebid. NNSA understands the value of long-term contracts to avoid mission disruption and uncertainty of contract transition; however, NNSA’s business model is aligned with private sector and government best practices. NNSA will take appropriate action to ensure we maintain the highest performing contractors to manage NNSA facilities and operations to ensure safety, security, and quality. This competition-based approach helps achieve outstanding performance. 

  • Engaging small businesses is extraordinarily important to NNSA. Not only do we receive high quality work from our small business partners, but also we reinforce our national security by creating strong local economies and by giving local business owners and employees an opportunity to be a part of our enduring national security mission. 

    NNSA Small Business Program