Indian Country Energy and Infrastructure Working Group

The Indian Country Energy and Infrastructure Working Group (ICEIWG) works collaboratively with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy to assist in surveys, analysis, and recommendations related to program and policy initiatives that fulfill DOE's statutory authorizations and requirements.


The working group was established in May 2011 to bring government and Tribal leaders together to collaborate and gain insight into real-time Tribal experiences representing obstacles and opportunities in energy and related infrastructure development and capacity building in Indian Country.

The Working Group is hosted, managed, and supported as a program initiative in the Office of Indian Energy. It is also supported by the National Conference of State Legislatures through a cooperative agreement.

Learn More

For additional information about ICEIWG, contact us.

Goals and Objectives

ICEIWG aims to establish baseline information to guide policy and program prioritization and long-term strategy related to energy and infrastructure development on tribal lands while supporting the Office of Indian Energy's mission.

ICEIWG also provides comments and recommendations on the Office of Indian Energy's Strategic Roadmap and addresses programmatic needs and activities, issues, and concerns at the working level through the following objectives:  

  1. Survey and assess Indian energy business and energy infrastructure development and needs.
  2. Exchange information about energy development practices, needs, obstacles, and potential solutions, including alternative approaches to energy development in its various forms.
  3. Develop and disseminate to the public and prospective technology partners information about tribal resources and opportunities.
  4. Share information, transfer lessons-learned, and inform and be informed on current policy, procedures, and industry partnership mechanisms. Discussion of policy concerns are encouraged with recommendations and/or comments forwarded to the director of the Office of Indian Energy.

Team and Members

Map of United States and Alaska shows ICEIWG member Tribe locations.
ICEIWG member Tribe locations.

DOE Office of Indian Energy Team

  • David F. Conrad, Deputy Director, Office of Indian Energy

ICEIWG Member Tribes








New York

North Dakota

