Public Participation in DOE Proceedings

The Office of General Counsel plays a key role in all rulemaking and other public proceedings conducted by DOE. Robust public participation is essential to the rulemaking process. This participation provides DOE the benefit of the expertise from those who will be most affected by DOE’s proposed actions. It also offers the public a transparent, hands-on way of having its voice heard in the administrative process.

In addition to proposed rules and rulemaking related documents, DOE issues for comment and public notification Requests for Information, Public Meeting Notices, and other similar documents. These publications notify and solicit the public for input on various matters including DOE rules, policies, and procedures.

The following resources provide more information on DOE public proceedings:

For more information, please contact the Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Legislation, Regulation, and Energy Efficiency.

*The Reg Map was created by ICF Consulting with the cooperation of the U.S. General Services Administration's Regulatory Information Service Center. DOE does not endorse the products, services, or views of ICF Consulting and takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over, the organizations represented.
