Department of Energy Announces up to $5.5 Million for Advanced Turbine Technology Projects

The Department of Energy announced up to $5.5 million in federal funding for research and development projects to advance turbine technology.

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

November 16, 2017
minute read time

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced up to $5.5 million in federally funded financial assistance for cost-shared research and development projects under the first phase of the Office of Fossil Energy’s (FE) funding opportunity announcement (FOA) Advanced Components for 65% Combined-Cycle Efficiency, SCO2 Power Cycles and Advanced Modular Hybrid Heat Engines.

Selected projects will support DOE’s Advanced Coal and Power Systems goals by developing advanced, highly efficient, turbine-based technologies applicable to fossil fuels, including coal-derived synthesis gas, coal-derived hydrogen, and natural gas. The projects will be managed by the National Energy Technology Laboratory.

The FOA focuses on three areas of interest (AOIs):

  • Advanced Combustion Turbines for Combined Cycle Applications—Selected projects under this AOI will support research to develop key components for advanced gas turbines that would contribute to a combined cycle efficiency greater than 65 percent and support load-following capabilities to meet the demand of a modern electricity grid. DOE is seeking components, technologies, and approaches that will allow higher turbine-inlet temperatures; manage cooling requirements; minimize leakage; advance compressor and expander aerodynamics; and advance the performance of high-temperature load-following combustion systems with low emissions of criteria pollutants, including nitrogen oxides. Overall, projects are expected to improve the efficiency of the gas turbine in a combined cycle application.

  • Development of Oxy-Fuel Combustion Turbines with CO2 Dilution for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SCO2) Based Power Cycles—Selected projects under this AOI will support early development of advanced and highly efficient oxy-fuel combustion turbines for the SCO2-based semi-closed recuperated Brayton cycle (also known as the Allam cycle). In this cycle, nearly pure oxygen is combusted with a gaseous hydrocarbon fuel (coal-derived syngas or natural gas) at high temperature and high pressure.  The combustion process is diluted with CO2 to produce a high-temperature and high-pressure turbine working fluid of supercritical carbon dioxide. 

  • Turbine-Based Modular Hybrid Heat Engines for Fossil Energy (FE) Applications—Selected projects under this AOI will support development of novel modular hybrid heat engines, based on gas turbine technology, that have the potential to offer cleaner, more efficient, and better load-following capabilities than existing technologies. The goal will be to develop modular heat engines at an appropriate size that could be arranged to create larger sizes as needed. The purpose of this modularity is to create advanced heat engines that can be built at the factory, provide flexibility in meeting power requirements, provide electrical or mechanical power more efficiently, provide better load following, use remotely available fuels, or provide an affordable cost of electricity.

DOE anticipates selecting up to 11 projects for the first phase this FOA, with an opportunity for the projects to continue into phase two following a rigorous down-select process. More details about this funding opportunity can be found here.

The Office of Fossil Energy funds research and development projects to reduce the risk and cost of advanced fossil energy technologies and further the sustainable use of the Nation’s fossil resources. To learn more about the programs within the Office of Fossil Energy, visit the Office of Fossil Energy website or sign up for FE news announcements. More information about the National Energy Technology Laboratory is available on the NETL website.


  • Fossil
  • Clean Energy
  • Carbon Capture
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Next-Generation Energy Technologies