Inter‐stage Piping in Compressor facility
(Courtesy of Archer Daniels Midland Company)
In October 2009, DOE selected the Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) team to conduct one of 12 projects in Phase 1 of its Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage (ICCS) program. DOE again selected the project in June 2010 as one of three projects to receive continued (Phase 2) funding. In total, DOE is providing approximately $141 million in financial assistance to the ADM CO2 Capture from Biofuels Production and Storage into the Mount Simon Sandstone (ADM Illinois ICCS) project from the Recovery Act of 2009.
The ADM Illinois ICCS project includes the design, construction, and demonstration of a CO2 compression and dehydration facility as a precursor to CO2 storage and subsequent monitoring, verification, and accounting of the stored CO2. The injected CO2 will come from the byproduct from processing corn into fuel-grade ethanol at ADM’s biofuels plant adjacent to the storage site in Decatur, Illinois. The CO2 will be collected at atmospheric pressure from ADM’s corn-to-ethanol fermentors. The fermentor outlet gas stream has high purity CO2 (greater than 99% purity on a moisture free basis), but also contains some moisture (less than 3% by weight). This gas stream will be compressed and dehydrated to deliver supercritical CO2 to the injection wellhead for storage. The injection operations will be conducted on a 200-acre site adjacent to the ethanol plant, which is also owned by ADM. The injection well head conditions will comply with the permit requirements. Because all of the captured CO2 is produced from biologic fermentation, a significant feature of the project is its "negative carbon footprint," meaning that the sequestration results in a net reduction of atmospheric CO2.
Integral to the project will be the formation of an educational and training facility, the National Sequestration Education Center, at nearby Richland Community College in Decatur. The center will contain classrooms, training, and laboratory facilities, and it will offer students associate degrees in sequestration technology.
The ADM Illinois ICCS project is located in Decatur, Illinois. Partners include: Schlumberger Carbon Services, Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS), and Richland Community College (RCC).
In April 2011, the Department of Energy released the final Environmental Assessment for the ADM Illinois ICCS project for public comment.
On May 3, 2011, the Department of Energy issued the FONSI for the ADM Illinois ICCS project.
On April 15, 2014, USEPA issued the UIC Class VI draft permit for the ADM Illinois ICCS project. The final Class VI well permit was issued on September 26, 2014.
On August 24, 2011, DOE announced the groundbreaking ceremony for the ADM Illinois ICCS project and stated that the project is the first large-scale integrated carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration project funded by the Recovery Act to move into the construction phase.
On June 30, 2013, major construction of CO2 compression, dehydration, and transport facilities was completed. On June 23, 2014, the installation of the major equipment for the substation was completed and the substation was energized on November 24, 2014. Work commenced on the Class VI injection well on January 11, 2015.
The ADM project received the U.S. EPA’s UIC Class VI injection well permit effective April 7, 2017, and started commercial operations accordingly. Since the start of operations this project has already successfully captured over 46,300 metric tons of CO2 as end of April 2017. ADM was able to meet all project criteria and operational design requirements.
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