Solar Blog

The Solar Energy Technologies Office’s Solar Blog features stories about the office, its awardees, and its work. Learn more.

First Solar Senior Vice President, Strategic Sourcing & Global Supply Chain, Jigish Trivedi (bottom right) shows Assistant Secretary Daniel R Simmons and Solar Energy Technologies Office Director Becca Jones-Albertus nearly finished photovoltaic modules.
A top priority for EERE is supporting game-changing manufacturing innovations across multiple sectors, including American solar panel manufacturing.
The second Friday in March is Solar Appreciation Day! We’re taking advantage of this opportunity to share the major benefits of sun power.
Utility scale lithium ion Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) installation at Ft. Carson is paired with photovoltaic solar power
This blog post will explain the terminology around solar-plus-storage, how many solar-plus-storage systems are in the country, and what they cost.