Space Exploration and The Universe

To build a complete picture of our universe, scientists gather information both in space and on Earth. Many of NASA’s tools that explore deep space rely on radioisotope power systems supported by the Department of Energy (DOE). DOE researchers also contribute to experiments conducted in space. On Earth, researchers use tools like supercomputers, particle detectors, and observatories to answer a variety of questions about our universe, including how the universe evolved, why it is expanding ever faster, and why there is matter at all.

DOE’s Contribution to Understanding Our Universe

The DOE and its predecessors have long supported NASA missions to space. DOE maintains the infrastructure to develop, manufacture, test, analyze, and deliver radioisotope power systems for space exploration and national security missions. These systems can produce heat and electricity under the harsh conditions in deep space for decades. NASA has used them for missions to study the moon and all of the planets in the solar system except for Mercury. These missions include the New Horizons craft that has gone beyond Pluto and the Perseverance Rover on Mars.   

Astrophysics explores the evolution and properties of the universe.   

The ordinary matter that we see and can detect on Earth makes up only 5 percent of the mass-energy of the universe. The rest of the matter is known as dark matter, a mysterious substance that only interacts with ordinary matter via gravity. We know that it exists because of measurements of gravity and its influence on how galaxies rotate, among other evidence. DOE supports a number of experiments and studies to detect and measure dark matter, including huge particle detectors deep underground.   

Another major question in physics is “Why is the universe expanding ever more quickly?” In 1998, researchers at DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory discovered that this cosmic acceleration is driven by a mysterious force that has come to be known as dark energy. They won the Nobel Prize in physics for it in 2011. Now, scientists supported by DOE are working to understand what dark energy is and why it behaves the way it does.   

Tiny particle called neutrinos could be the key to answering other unsolved questions about our universe. Physicists think that studying neutrinos may help us answer some of the biggest questions in the universe, such as why there is matter at all.   

Scientists and projects supported by DOE also use the unique environment of space as a location for experiments. To collect cosmic rays to detect dark matter, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is installed on the International Space Station. The Lunar Surface Electromagnetics Experiment – Night (LuSEE-Night) is an instrument DOE is developing with NASA. From its future location on the moon, LuSEE-Night will collect data about the so-called dark ages of the universe.


a very large cluster of stars in the sky
a cluster of stars in the night sky

Research at the Cosmic Frontier

Investigating phenomenon as bizarre as dark matter, dark energy, and neutrinos requires unique, complex tools that are like nothing else on Earth.   

To search for dark matter, researchers use huge detectors located deep under the Earth. So far, these tools have not directly detected dark matter. However, they allow scientists to eliminate possible places to look for dark matter, narrowing the search for the future. Other projects look for signs in cosmic and gamma rays. Some studies are attempting to create dark matter with particle accelerators.  

To understand dark energy, scientists are mapping the evolution of the universe. One of the major projects focusing on this work is the NSF-DOE Rubin Observatory. As part of its massive telescope, it features the world’s largest digital camera built for astrophysics. The camera was built at DOE’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The camera will take an unprecedented number of images of the sky that scientists can string together to create “home movies” of the universe. These videos will help us understand how the universe has expanded over time and what it is doing now.  

To study neutrinos, scientists have a number of different experiments all over the world. The biggest is the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment at the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility or DUNE-LBNF. Located nearly a mile underground in a former gold mine in South Dakota, DUNE-LBNF will allow scientists to track how neutrinos change type as they move over long distances. This shift could potentially explain why the universe is made of matter. Our current models predict that the equal amounts of matter and antimatter just after the Big Bang should have annihilated each other. Figuring out why there is anything at all is one of the major questions we hope DUNE-LBNF will help answer. 

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