MOAB UMTRA Project Homepage


The scope of the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project is to relocate mill tailings and other contaminated materials from a former uranium-ore processing facility (millsite) and from off-site properties known as vicinity properties in Moab, Utah, to an engineered disposal cell constructed near Crescent Junction, Utah. The scope also includes active remediation of groundwater at the millsite (Moab site). The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management in Grand Junction, Colorado, has primary responsibility for managing the Moab Project.

Moab UMTRA by the numbers

Project Documents

Environmental Compliance

Surface Water & Groundwater



The U.S. Department of Energy’s Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project incorporated additional railcars making it possible to increase the number of intermodal containers on each train shipment. This increase in railcars means the project can now transport more material per shipment thereby more efficiently driving down its environmental liability.

Rail Cars


Moab News

For more information please contact the Project Public Affairs Specialist:
Barbara Michel
[email protected]