Electric Vehicles at Scale Consortium Engagement

Argonne National Laboratory researcher Jason Harper speaks with transportation stakeholders about medium- and heavy-duty vehicle charging in an electric vehicle facility as part of the EVs@Scale Semiannual Stakeholder Meeting.
Participants of the EVs@Scale Semiannual Stakeholder event, invited by DOE to Argonne National Laboratory to provide input on infrastructure research and development that will address challenges and barriers for high-power EV charging infrastructure.

The EVs@Scale Lab Consortium is a multi-year collaboration composed of leading researchers across national laboratories and key stakeholders guiding the direction of research and development.

Stakeholder Engagement

Our success relies on the active engagement of stakeholders including:

  • Automotive and charging original equipment manufacturers
  • Utilities
  • Federal, state, local, and non-government agencies
  • Other research institutions
  • Community-based organizations and consumer groups.

Partnership Goals

With help from our partners, the EVs@Scale Lab Consortium aims to:

  • Accelerate the transfer of technologies, data, tools, and knowledge to market by bringing stakeholders in as project participants often and early.
  • Facilitate highly coordinated, collaborative research among national laboratory partners and Consortium stakeholders.
  • Encourage sharing of underrepresented perspectives and provide forums to engage with representatives of disadvantaged and historically underserved communities.


EVs@Scale 2024 Deep Dive Technical Meeting: Cyber-Physical Security (April 9, 2024)

The EVs@Scale team presented on securing the EV ecosystem with public key infrastructure emulation and scaling at the 2024 Deep Dive Technical Meeting.

Project Outreach

To engage with the EVs@Scale Lab Consortium, please contact us.


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