2015 Federal Energy and Water Management Award Winners

The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize individuals, groups, and agencies for their outstanding contributions in the areas of energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of advanced and renewable energy technologies at federal facilities.

Career Exceptional Service Awards

Michael Okoro
U.S. General Services Administration
Northwest/Arctic Region Headquarters
Auburn, Washington

Michael Okoro joined the General Services Administration (GSA) in 1991 as an electrician, and is now the Chief of the Environmental and Energy Branch of GSA Region 10. Throughout his career, Mr. Okoro envisioned, developed, and enacted the Region's exemplary energy and sustainability programs that pay for themselves in savings, and he continues to be the managerial driving force that directs and shapes their functioning. He motivates field and building personnel by providing education, funding, and technical oversight for the implementation of strategic resource conservation plans and associated projects. Mr. Okoro insists that construction and operations contracts contain enforceable performance goals, he remains an early adopter of innovative and cutting-edge programs, he formed green teams to change tenant behaviors, and he advances integrated building management across a large, multi-disciplined organization. His actions have led to significant resource savings and sustainability accomplishments across Region 10. Specifically, from FY 2009 to FY 2014, the Region reduced its energy and water use per gross square foot by 25% and by 30% respectively.

James B. Paton
Headquarters, Department of the Army
Washington, D.C.

During his 30 year career with the Army, James Paton has worked as an installation energy manager, regional energy manager, command energy manager, and headquarters energy manager, as well as on assignment supporting the Office of the Secretary of Defense Energy Policy Office. As the current Army Energy and Utilities Branch Chief within the Army Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, since 2003 Mr. Paton has managed programs for compiling and validating facility energy data, facilitating the Army's ability to accurately report progress toward energy goals, as well as formulating, justifying, validating, and defending funding requirements within the Army's budget submittal for dedicated Army Energy Program funding and installation utilities. One of his most significant accomplishments was to secure substantial dedicated energy program funding for an increased number of energy and water efficiency projects, renewable energy projects, and projects to improve reliability and energy security of Army owned installation utilities systems, with an estimated $200 million in utilities cost avoidance generated during his tenure.

Timothy Pugh
U.S. Air Force 
Air Force Space Command 
Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado

Timothy Pugh has worked as an engineer for the federal government for 37 years, and has supported Air Force Space Command (AFSC) for the past 22 years with distinction. His strategic vision developed a roadmap that infused energy awareness throughout the Command, and is a principal reason AFSC has surpassed federal mandated energy conservation goals. Mr. Pugh amassed an energy portfolio of about $200 million over eight unique programs, and in FY 2014 led the award of two energy conservation investment initiatives at the Command's most energy intense geographically separated units that alone will reduce overall Air Force facility energy intensity by 2.5%. At the upper most echelon of AFSPC leadership, Mr. Pugh managed the Energy Management Steering Group through nine AFSPC Commanders and has engaged, educated, and supported the Command's energy focus programs. He also institutionalized the AFSC's Input Data Sheet tool to track energy reporting requirements across 20 geographically separated units, which produces quarterly and yearly energy glances for leadership situational awareness and serves as the "energy pulse" of the Command. 

Tom Scott
U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Reclamation-Lahontan Basin Area Office
Carson City, Nevada

Tom Scott has spent nearly 25 years at the Bureau of Reclamation, where the mission is to manage, develop, and protect water resources, working toward implementation of the Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA). This important agreement is intended to provide flexibility in reservoir operations in the Truckee River Basin of Nevada and California, resulting in numerous water efficiency benefits to basin water users. During this period, Mr. Scott was responsible for leading Reclamation's computer modeling efforts for the TROA environmental impact statement development, as well as developing the tools required for TROA implementation. He also provided a critical leadership role in facilitating meetings between TROA parties, as well as much-needed continuity over the long period between the congressional mandate of the TROA and the soon-expected acceptance and implementation. Due largely to Mr. Scott's efforts, the TROA will provide increased drought protection to the region through its innovative system of water exchanges and credit water storage in basin reservoirs, as well as additional flows for the threatened and endangered fishes during periods of drought.

Mark Sprouse
National Archives and Records Administration
College Park, Maryland

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is a small agency with energy intensive, archival standards to preserve and protect the nation's heritage. Since coming to NARA in 2000, Mark Sprouse has organized a geographically diverse team of facility personnel that he manages and leads through motivation and inspiration. For example, during his tenure, Mr. Sprouse has implemented three comprehensive and innovative energy savings performance contract projects, with the first two projects resulting in energy cost savings of about $2 million annually. His team develops and directs policy revision using sustainability principles and lessons learned from these projects, applying successful strategies to other locations. Through his sustained leadership, NARA met and exceeded its federal energy and water intensity and greenhouse gas reduction goals years ahead of schedule, saving the agency and taxpayers millions of dollars each year. These results stem from Mr. Sprouse's tireless efforts to lobby upper management and keep his team focused and working together to continually improve environmental results via innovation, long range thinking, and common sense.

Charles T. Sullivan, Jr.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration 
Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

For 29 years, Charles Sullivan has served the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC), and under his leadership the MMAC has become a benchmark for the FAA in energy and water conservation. Mr. Sullivan is responsible for implementing an integrative approach for sustainable design, construction, renovation, and building operations, which has resulted in a 47% reduction in energy intensity since 1995 and 45% reduction in water consumption since 2007. Mr. Sullivan challenged facility staff to design construction projects to exceed industry standards for energy and water efficiency. Today, all projects are designed and constructed to meet high performance sustainable building standards. Mr. Sullivan established the MMAC Energy Council in an effort to break down organizational barriers and build teamwork between the various facility divisions. He also led the organization's use of renewable energy sources by initiating a "Rebate to Rec" program with the local energy utility company, and recently initiated a study for the use of solar photovoltaic panels in seven locations to provide at least 15% of the power consumed at MMAC. 

Attorney, Contracting Officer, and Contracting Process Awards

Daniela Gorenxa
U.S. Department of the Navy
Naval Facilities Engineering Command 
Washington Navy Yard, D.C.

As the Naval Facility Engineering Command (NAVFAC)'s Headquarters Program Lead for financial energy projects, Daniela Gorenxa plays a critical role in third party financing contracts for the Navy. Her recent efforts to modify contracting processes have led directly to the shrinking of the overall award timeline and overcoming barriers to the program's success. To address legal constraints that delayed contract awards, Ms. Gorenxa worked with NAVFAC Counsel to find common ground and uncover steps to allow contracts to be awarded more quickly. She then coordinated through the chain of command and made recommendations to leadership to allow for the process to be expedited. She has also revised and refined other existing processes, including developing alternative acquisition models and creating timelines and templates that allow for better tracking of schedules and progress. To date, her persistence and organization have resulted in an approximately one billion dollar investment value of the Navy's commitment to the President's Performance Contracting Challenge. Thanks to her efforts to expand project scope, performance contracts will also contribute significantly to the Secretary of the Navy's one gigawatt renewable energy goal.

Ronald Noll
National Archives and Records Administration
College Park, Maryland

While the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is a small federal agency, through the leadership of Chief Contracting Officer Ron Noll, the agency has really stepped up its use of energy saving performance contracts (ESPCs) to achieve major improvements in energy and water use intensity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Early projects awarded prior to FY 2014 focused on upgrading mechanical and energy management control systems, lighting, and water use at NARA's largest two facilities, Archives I and Archives II. Due to the success of these projects, in FY 2014 the agency awarded another larger two-phase ESPC for all remaining NARA-owned properties, to include the Presidential Libraries and Museums and Regional Archives in Atlanta. The guaranteed value from energy savings for this comprehensive ESPC project is more than $17.6 million. With this project's implementation, which required a tremendous amount of commitment and effort from contract and engineering staff led by Mr. Noll, every NARA-owned facility is now installing energy and water savings measures and reducing its utility costs through an ESPC.

Jason Bray
Priya Desai
Lisa Harris
Robert Mackey
Wesley Malone

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Huntsville Center - Energy Division
Huntsville, Alabama

The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville (HNC) has seen a steep increase in ESPC awards over the past six years, from only two task orders awarded in FY 2010 to 16 in FY 2014, with a value of $243.6 million in capital investments for Army Installation Management Command, Army Materiel Command, and Navy projects at 12 installations. These 12 projects will provide a guaranteed annual energy savings of $8.6 million, for an increase of $2.6 million annually from awarded projects in FY 2013 and a 31% increase in guaranteed savings. HNC's success is attributed to a program management approach that has allowed greater visibility from the top down, and includes streamlining ESPC contractor selections, energy conservation measure selections, and the notice of intent to award contracts. During FY 2014, HNC developed two ground-breaking projects for the Army—Letterkenny Army Depot was the largest ESPC task order ever awarded through HNC at $44 million, with a guaranteed energy savings of 130 billion Btu and 25.6 million gallons in water savings, and a $2.5 million contract at Mobile Civil Works was the first-ever Civil Works ESPC awarded by HNC.

Program Awards

Stephen Mellin
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Space Command
Cape Cod Air Force Station, Massachusetts

Through his innovation and leadership, as the Support Officer for the 6th Space Warning Squadron at Cape Cod Air Force Station, Stephen Mellin brought to fruition numerous projects to greatly reduce energy use at one of the largest phased array warning system (or PAVE PAWS) radar stations in the country. Due to his efforts, the facility saved about 9.6 billion Btu in FY 2014 for a 21% reduction from the 2003 baseline. To achieve these results, Mr. Mellin reached out to a local energy organization to upgrade lighting and electric motors and install variable frequency drives. More than $300,000 in investment was funded at no additional cost to the Air Force, with the projects saving about $150,000 per year. He also oversaw the replacement of two 450 ton chillers with energy efficient units and a free cooling system, which saves energy while reducing wear on the chillers. Mr. Mellin managed an $8.8 million project to install two 1.68 megawatt wind turbines, which offset about 50% of the energy consumed on the installation in FY 2014. The turbines generated more than 18.8 billion Btu of electricity, resulting in almost $805,000 in savings for the Air Force.

Nevada Air National Guard Base
U.S. Air Force
Reno, Nevada

The Nevada Air National Guard Base facility manager, building managers, engineering staff, maintenance work force, and wing leadership worked together to reduce energy and water intensity by 36% and 60% respectively in FY 2014 as compared to the baseline years, despite adding 94,500 square feet of energy intensive mission space. Through excellent communications with staff, the facility manager executed a program that included no-heat, no-cool weeks during the shoulder seasons, and coordinated with building managers to open doors and windows at appropriate times to maximize natural cooling and heating. The direct digital control system is monitored daily, with overnight operations and setback schedules checked and upcoming building use scheduled to place areas into unoccupied mode as appropriate. All members of the engineering and maintenance staff attended 112 hours of training with the serving utility to help them identify energy conservation opportunities as part of daily activities. Energy Management Steering Group meetings are conducted semi-annually by the vice wing commander with all wing organizations to discuss additional ways the base can save energy.

4th Civil Engineer Squadron
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base
Goldsboro, North Carolina

In FY 2014, Seymour Johnson's energy team worked with local utilities, military construction design teams, other Air Force agencies, and the Department of Energy to implement projects and programs that helped the base reduce energy use by about 174 billion Btu compared to the 2003 baseline. The team introduced new methods in education, went above and beyond normal contract evaluations, infused projects with energy conservation measures, and upgraded an aging energy monitoring and control system. One project implemented direct digital controls at 11 facilities for projected savings of almost 5 billion Btu per year. Another project repaired 55 remote reading meters for electrical and natural gas connections, integrating new meters with the current system to effectively monitor large consumers on base. Additionally, the team completed retro-commissioning on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units that condition more than 96,000 square feet, and is expected to save more than 1 billion Btu and $62,900 per year. Through a real time pricing contract with the serving utility, the base also received more than $356,000 in rebates for reducing demand during peak periods.

Dino Bonaldo
Jason Cook
Jerry Milliman
Tyler Nielsen
Brian O'Leary

U.S. Air Force
Air Force Space Command
Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, Colorado

The Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station (CMAFS) energy program used a comprehensive energy management strategy, formalized by installation energy manager participation in all project design reviews. The team's efforts reduced energy consumption by 8.5% in FY 2014 as compared to the previous year and 18.4% from the FY 2003 baseline. Projects included replacing indoor lighting and water fixtures, removing water-intensive landscaping, and replacing outdoor and interior tunnel lighting with efficient light-emitting diode fixtures. To maintain acceptable operating temperatures in CMAFS' hardened underground facility, heat must be actively rejected from the system in a quantity roughly equal to the heat being added, accounting for about 45% of the monthly energy consumption. Special efforts were directed toward reducing "mission" energy consumption and costs while also reducing the costs of rejecting the heat generated by mission-critical activities, including computer equipment upgrades, condenser and chilled water optimization, and installation of a waterside economizer to take advantage of "free cooling." 

David Abbott
Karen Bastian
2nd Lt. Mary Boyle
Anthony Hiatt
Brian Walsh

U.S. Air Force
75th Civil Engineering Squadron
Hill Air Force Base, Utah

As an active participant in Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) energy efficiency programs beginning in 2014, Hill Air Force Base saved more than $269,000 in incentives and bill credits and reduced energy use by 6.1 billion Btu. The team achieved these results by developing an incentivized program model that directs bill credits back to reimbursable customers who identify, fund, and implement projects. The program awards participants through incentive checks and bill credits, depending on the scope and cost of the work. The team established a line of accounting to accept the incentive checks obtained from RMP, and then allocate the rebates to the installation of energy savings measures, in particular projects with high paybacks that would normally not be able to secure base operations and maintenance funding. During FY 2014 the team reached out to separate organizations across the base to assist them in pursing the rebates and incentives, leading to successful implementation of energy projects such as pipe insulation and lighting upgrades. The base also implemented a program with RMP to co-fund costs for base Resource Efficiency Managers.

Morgan Benson
Jonathan Dalsfoist
Richard L. Hiatt
Griffith Turpin

U.S. Air Force
673rd Civil Engineering Squadron
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska

Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson (JBER) is a joint base created from the conjoining of a major Air Force base (Elmendorf) and a large Army base (Richardson) into a single installation consisting of more than 1,000 buildings. By obtaining support from both Air Force and Army leadership and revitalizing its building energy monitor program to ensure facility manager training, the energy team implemented lighting and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning upgrades in FY 2014 that reduced energy consumption by 132.7 billion Btu and more than $2 million in energy and maintenance costs. The foundation of JBER's program involved completing facility audits and uploading data into the Pacific Air Force's Energy, Condition, and Optimization Management Estimating Tool (eCOMET), which allowed the energy managers to track energy conservation opportunities and develop cost-effective energy projects. JBER also capitalized on in-house expertise to eliminate/reduce energy project design costs. Together the projects reduced JBER's facility energy use intensity by almost 64% from the 2003 baseline and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 3,165 metric tons.

U.S. Army Installation Management Agency 
Presidio of Monterey Directorate of Public Works

Monterey, California

Over the past five years the Presidio of Monterey developed a robust energy program, with a comprehensive approach to installation energy management using a combination of innovative strategies, effective projects, and operations and maintenance processes providing persistent savings. The Presidio energy staff worked with the Garrison military and civilian leadership and staff, the Presidio Municipal Services Agency, the local utility company, and various federal agencies to build the program and achieve success. The established best practices led to a reduction in energy consumption of 35 billion Btu-or savings of 21% in FY 2014 from 2010-despite increased square footage and population. Results were accomplished through investment of about $5.2 million in projects through appropriated funding and third-party financing, including foundational work like installing direct digital controls, with an estimated simple payback of less than five years. The program also focused on instituting energy culture practices such as mock bills, energy feedback, and awards, as well as administrative structure changes, including incorporating energy conservation as a requirement into its maintenance contract and into the daily practices of maintenance staff.

Scott Clark
Alan Davis
Susan Galentine
Vince Guthrie
Mark Hunsicker

U.S. Army Fort Carson 
Directorate of Public Works
Fort Carson, Colorado

Fort Carson's energy program has worked hard to reduce its FY 2014 energy intensity by 16% and its water intensity by 31.4% from the respective baselines. The team accomplished these results by completing several efficiency projects, pushing awareness efforts, and forming partnerships, contributing greatly toward its Net Zero energy and water goals. Fort Carson leveraged multiple funding programs, completing projects such as heating, air conditioning, and ventilation (HVAC) system recommissioning, improved controls, expansion of a reclaimed water system, and lighting replacements. HVAC operating schedules were adjusted for facilities connected to the energy management and control system, in some cases reducing operating hours by more than 40%. Outreach efforts included establishing a more robust facility manager program and initiating courtesy energy audits. Construction was completed on a new 1.4 megawatt solar array, increasing Fort Carson's on-site photovoltaics to 4.7 megawatts and its generation to more than 28%. Solar hot water systems, ground source heat pumps, and two transpired solar walls also contribute to Fort Carson's renewable energy portfolio.

Maria Christina Vicari
Ronald Hughes
Major Rusty Rhoads
Wayne Mitsko

U.S. Army Reserve
9th Mission Support Command
Theater Support Group, Directorate of Public Works
Honolulu, Hawaii

The United States Army Reserve 9th Mission Support Command (MSC) energy program accomplished a 23% reduction in energy consumption in FY 2014 from the prior year, through the use of cost effective measures such condensing and upgrading equipment, integrating and influencing existing organizational practices, and fostering a more energy conservative culture. The team completed several projects during FY 2014 including lighting upgrades and building automation systems, and made sure to maximize its resources by synchronizing facility projects with the energy projects to avoid duplication. The team's efforts to reduce energy, gain funds through competitive programs, and clearly define program objectives, targets, and projected monetary savings have helped them gain valuable leadership buy-in. The 9th MSC Team has four sites in the U.S. Army Net Zero (NZ) Program—American Samoa, Guam, Saipan, and the island of Maui, Hawaii—and are working with numerous partners within Army and local government, utility providers, and the private sector to achieve NZ goals by 2025.

Justin J. Drigon
Christine M. Ploschke
Jarrod Ross

U.S. Army Reserve
99th Regional Support Command
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey

Beginning in 2012 the 99th Regional Support Command (RSC) energy team identified inefficiencies and developed strategies for a major program overhaul that resulted in a 12.4% reduction in energy use intensity in FY 2014 from the prior year. The strategy went beyond achieving mandates, providing a foundation for implementing successful management practices and projects. By FY 2014 the new strategies were in place and achieving results, including a new staffing approach, procedure development, project design and development process, and organizational and leadership relationships. Highlights include an energy savings performance contract worth more than $57 million in guaranteed savings; groundwork to implement solar projects that will result in three net zero electricity facilities; and partnerships that provide lighting upgrades and efficient upgrades to training facilities. A key component of the team's new program strategy is a seamless integration within the Directorate of Public Works (DPW), making sure all levels and sections of the DPW are included in planning discussions, product design, and project execution, while leveraging each other's strengths and resources.

Bobby Goins
Gary Guge
Larry Petrowski
Jonathan Walker
Roscoe Wilson

U.S. Department of Energy
National Nuclear Security Administration
Y-12 National Security Complex 
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Through its Be-Wise with Energy Dollars program, Y-12 National Security Complex made smart changes in utilities management that has empowered employees and saved more than $6 million in fuel, water, and electricity costs. Following a steam plant upgrade in 2010 to switch from coal to natural gas, Y-12 began an effort to improve management programs that included optimizing gas contracts, repairing leaks, right-sizing operations, reducing steam demand and supply pressure, and cutting back weekend steam. With Y-12 only fully occupied 30% of the time, the program observed that costs would be greatly reduced through such changes in operations during the remaining hours. The team developed metrics to track performance and cost-based analyses to justify changes including turning off equipment when not in use. The Utilities and Production organizations worked together to modify policies to institutionalize operational and procedural changes that would lead to reduced energy and steam demand. In FY 2014, these initiatives saved more than 97 billion Btu in fuel and electricity, 10,800 gallons of water, and $1.3 million in costs from the prior year.

Matt Degnan
Mike Privett

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration 
Washington, D.C.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) developed and launched an aggressive awareness campaign in 2012 that contributed to a 199% increase in alternative fuel consumption and a 32% decrease in petroleum use in FY 2014 compared to FY 2005 baselines. Through FY 2011, FHWA regularly failed to meet mandated fleet goals, and had barely increased its alternative fuel use from the baseline. To significantly increase alternative fuel use and reduce petroleum consumption, the team launched a multi-faceted communication, education, and awareness campaign targeting FHWA fleet managers and vehicle operators nationwide. The team used resources from the Department of Energy and the General Services Administration to help identify E85 fueling stations near FHWA field offices; develop educational materials; provide information packets and reminders via letters, emails, phone calls, and newsletters; and deliver site-specific feedback on how their E85 capable vehicles were being fueled. The campaign raised awareness, changed fueling behaviors, and expanded the use of alternative fuels across FHWA, and it continues to promote responsible fueling habits.

Kevin Anderson
Ngan Pham
Mark Sprouse

National Archives and Records Administration
College Park, Maryland

In FY 2014, the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) energy program reduced agency energy consumption by 30.2% as compared to the FY 2003 baseline. To achieve these impressive results, the agency use energy savings performance contracts and direct appropriations to fund major infrastructure improvements. Early projects concentrated on NARA's largest and most energy intensive facility, Archives II, through lighting, mechanical equipment, energy management control systems, and water conservation upgrades. NARA also adapted a strategy to provide focused, localized cooling to energy intensive hotspots throughout the building, allowing shut down of large primary heating, ventilation, and cooling systems during unoccupied periods while still providing cooling to sensitive archival storage areas. The building also includes more 500 kilowatts of roof-top photovoltaic solar panels and a 225 kilowatt co-generation system. Concentrating on Archives II allowed NARA to make significant progress on total energy consumption while developing strategies and best practices. NARA has since implemented similar ESPC projects at Archives I, and recently awarded a comprehensive performance contract covering remaining NARA-owned properties.

Project Awards

Eglin Air Force Base
U.S. Air Force
Eglin Air Force Base, Florida

In FY 2014 the 96th Civil Engineer Group at Eglin Air Force Base combined its energy management control system (EMCS) with real-time pricing to maximize savings. By integrating direct digital controls, meters, and energy analyses, the ECMS operation saved 181 billion Btu of electricity and gas across 131 buildings valued at $3.4 million, resulting in a simple payback of two years. The EMCS collected real-time data from more than 1600 meters, which enabled trend analysis, remote diagnosis, load-shedding, occupancy set-backs and full-scale real-time pricing implementation. After the team mitigated the cost risks inherent in real-time pricing, the EMCS was used for more complex savings strategies, such as raising cooling set-points during premium rate periods. The partnership of the EMCS and real-time pricing schedule netted additional savings of $1.5 million through the combination of more effective maintenance and reduced energy consumption. Moreover, the team benchmarked this new practice, setting the baseline for future analysis, continuous commissioning, and energy-savings projects. The program is cited as a best practice for the entire Air Force to follow.

Laughlin Air Force Base
U.S. Air Force
Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas

Laughlin Air Force Base executed an aggressive xeriscaping initiative, saving 17 million gallons of potable water in FY 2014 for a 10% decrease in the base's total annual water consumption from FY 2013. Previous landscaping practices ignored the desert climate and consisted of turf grasses and shrubs more suitable to locations with twice Laughlin's annual rainfall. As a result, more than half of the base's potable water consumption went to irrigation. Laughlin re-landscaped with indigenous, drought-tolerant plants, trees, and grasses, enhanced with earth and rock surroundings, to create a natural yet aesthetically pleasing appearance. Computerized irrigation controls were also installed to handle the reduced watering requirements more effectively. Once the second phase of the work is complete, the base expects to save 40 million gallons per year—a reduction of 60% in its annual irrigations requirements. The estimated annual water, electric, and maintenance savings of $715,000 will pay for the $7 million initiative in 10 years. Further, enhanced community relations and reduced water requirements will ensure a sustainable water supply to support Laughlin's mission into the future.

Gary Hodson
Nicholas Lobar
Michael Odenweller
Steve Perry

U.S. Air Force
100th Civil Engineer Squadron
Royal Air Force Mildenhall 
Suffolk, Bury St-Edmunds, United Kingdom

In FY 2014, the base energy team at Royal Air Force (RAF) Mildenhall, carried out independent research and development on a new innovative oil-saving device called the Dynamic Burner Management Unit (DBMU), a solid state electronic boiler controller that optimizes the firing pattern of gas or oil boilers by monitoring the flow and return. The research was conducted in two facility types—a large temporary lodging facility and a small office facility—and resulted in oil savings of 7% in the lodging facility and a staggering 26% savings in the office facility. With an annual oil bill of more than $3 million at RAF Mildenhall, the team realized the potential of deploying the DBMU site-wide. They scaled the trial to a project incorporating 49 DBMUs on boilers across 26 facilities, and a business case was developed showing simple payback of less than 14 months based on a conservative 5% annual savings. The project is currently in its construction phase, and will save an estimated $700,000 and 25 billion Btu in FY 2015 and each year thereafter. RAF Mildenhall has proposed the project to the entire United States Air Force, which if implemented could result in multi-million dollar savings.

Charles Howell
Dean Lewis
Douglas Macurda
Eley DeCuba
Jeff S. Allen

U.S. Marine Corps and NAVFAC SW
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California

In FY 2014, the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton energy team coordinated efforts to complete 19 energy and water conservation projects with a total value of $26 million, impacting more than 1,000 buildings representing 50% of base facilities. The projects save an estimated 102.4 billion Btu and $2.2 million annually. Energy projects included retrofits of light-emitting diode exterior wall packs and interior fixtures, boiler upgrades, installation of efficient small HVAC units, retro-commissioning of 200 facilities, and water meter and natural gas meter installations. Use of spectrally selective window film helped resolve comfort issues in older buildings without central cooling systems. The base also continued expansion of electric vehicle charging stations, with 34 stations currently in place. A comprehensive water conservation project to install 26,000 low-flow plumbing fixtures in 249 buildings will save an estimated 132.8 million gallons of water per year. In addition, five photovoltaic systems at 185 kilowatts were added to the bases' total capacity in in FY 2014, helping the base produce a total 14.4 gigawatt-hours and avoid electricity costs of $1.4 million.

U.S. Navy
Naval Base Coronado
Helicopter Maintenance Facility, NASNI
San Diego, California

The helicopter maintenance hangar at Naval Air Station North Island is a new $60 million, 112,000 square foot facility housing three separate carrier-based active duty squadrons. Attached to the hangar bay is a two-story industrial maintenance and administrative facility from which 39 MH-60 helicopters are maintained and operated. This facility achieved a high-end design aesthetic and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold certification. Energy efficient measures include an improved thermal envelope, a solar reflective roof, high-efficiency glazing, reduced interior lighting power density, occupancy sensors, daylight harvesting, high-efficiency variable air volume systems, and solar water heating. These features will reduce energy costs by an estimated 36.9% annually over a standard design. Low-flow fixtures will reduce indoor potable water use by 40%, and landscaping and irrigation systems will reduce potable water consumption for irrigation by almost 60% from the calculated baseline case. The facility also will provide an enriched environment for occupants with abundant natural light, an elevated brise soleil to deflect sunlight, and covered outdoor break areas. 

Bureau of Reclamation - Western Colorado Area Office
U.S Department of the Interior
Animas-La Plata Permanent Operating Facility 
Durango, Colorado 

In FY 2014 the Animas-La Plata Permanent Operating Facility (POF) became the Bureau of Reclamation's first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified building in Upper Colorado Region and one of the first in Reclamation to comply 100% with the Guiding Principles for High Performing and Sustainable Buildings and achieve LEED Gold certification. It was demonstrated through stringent verification and validation procedures that the combination of a passive solar wall, high-efficiency lighting and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, and natural lighting provide 51% efficiency over standard requirements. The building's remaining electricity demand is met with renewable hydroelectric power through the Western Area Power Administration and is transmitted to the POF through a dedicated power transmission line. The building uses water conserving plumbing fixtures and fittings with auto shutoff, and utilizes xeriscaping and other natural landscaping to eliminate irrigation requirements, for an estimated 37% reduction in water use compared to the baseline. The energy efficient design is estimated to avoid 52 metric tons of carbon emissions per year. 

Shannon Blackburn
David Dorough
Greg Hranac
Wendy Smith
Amy Sprunger

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Corn Creek Administrative Office and Visitor Center
Las Vegas, Nevada

The new Administrative Office and Visitor Center at the Corn Creek Field Station of Desert National Wildlife Refuge is a high-performance Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Platinum-certified facility. The building showcases state-of-the-art sustainable design techniques and technologies, achieving zero net-energy use with 91.5 kilowatts of solar photovoltaic arrays and 23.5 tons of water-source heat pumps. Total annual renewable energy production is approximately 608.3 million Btu. Sixteen new energy technologies include: heat-reflecting colored paint; a cool roof; and integrated daylighting. Energy-efficient lighting and energy recovery ventilation combine to yield energy performance far better than 30% compared to an average building. Low VOC-emitting carpets, paints, and adhesives contribute to a healthy indoor environment. Water-saving fixtures reduce potable water by 40.4% below current standards, saving approximately 7,100 gallons per year. Xeriscaping, native plants, and limited drip-irrigation conserve water outdoors. Interpretation of the facility's "green" features is highlighted by dynamic, interactive exhibits for up to 200,000 visitors annually.

Bill Keavany
Jeff Parsons
Liz Dawson
Nancy Swiechowicz
Wendi Weber

U.S Department of the Interior
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region
Northeast Regional Office Building
Hadley, Massachusetts

An innovative partnership between Fish and Wildlife Service, the General Services Administration, and the building owner resulted in the high performance, sustainable Northeast Regional Office building. This Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold-rated facility has a payback of only seven years. Providing at least 12% of the building's power, 108 kilowatt net-metered photovoltaic arrays installed over a new cool roof generate about 192 megawatt hours annually—the largest renewable energy system on a building fully occupied by the Service. The project installed air-tight ductwork with added insulation, energy recovery ventilation, and 26 rooftop HVAC units, all with upgraded automated controls. Other strategies such as daylighting, solar film, efficient fluorescent lighting, light-emitting diodes, and occupancy sensors and timers contribute to annual energy savings of 2.4 billion Btu. Low-flow fixtures conserve more than 136,000 gallons per year of potable water, and landscaping with native plants and storm water management reduce impervious surfaces and essentially eliminate irrigation. "Dark sky" exterior lighting fixtures that direct light downward ensure visual access to the night sky while preventing disruption of nocturnal animal habitat.

Keith Kennedy
Michael Messerle
Oana Sandru
Justin Weingartz
Debra Young

U.S. General Services Administration
Bishop Henry Whipple Federal Building 
Fort Snelling, Minnesota

Comprehensive renovations completed through an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Project at the General Service Administration's Whipple Federal Building in FY 2014 reduced energy and water use by 42% and 60% respectively, compared to the 2009 pre-ARRA baseline. The project was the first major upgrade in the 700,000 square-foot building since 1969, and has made it one of the most efficient in GSA's Region 5. To accomplish the difficult goal of a minimum in 40% energy savings, the project converted from a standard chiller and boiler system to a geothermal ground-source heat pump system. In addition, a 15 kilowatt solar photovoltaic system was installed on the roof, and 60% of the hot water demand is met through a solar thermal system. The project also included innovative features such as fan-wall air handlers, heat wheels for energy re-capture, advanced meters for monitoring and analysis, carbon dioxide sensors for precise environmental control, and a rainwater re-capture system. Over the next 40 years, the projects are expected to avoid about 40,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions and save $13 million in utility costs.

James Beckett
Anthony Dell'Arciprete
Eric Murphy
Gary Stergin
Ed Weaver

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia

The Integrated Engineering Services Building is the second new building under Langley Research Center's 20-year revitalization effort. Construction of the sustainable, 138,000 square foot multi-use facility allowed for the demolition of eight old, inefficient buildings, yielding a 34,000 square foot net increase in green space. The new building's 31.5% more energy efficient than a baseline building, and its energy intensity is projected to be 60% better than average multi-use buildings at the Center. A hybrid geothermal system was installed for high cooling demand applications, with a 60-ton supplementary fluid cooler to complete the cooling demand in the summer. Energy saving features also include energy efficient lighting and control systems, perimeter daylight harvesting with time-of-day lighting control, and high performance insulating glass with exterior solar shading. Water-saving features reduce potable water by 47.2% compared to baseline requirements, and two water retention areas minimize storm water runoff. Together the features contribute to the overall sustainability goals of the Center, saving $3.6 million per year in operations and maintenance costs.