2008 Federal Energy and Water Management Award Winners

The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize individuals, groups, and agencies for their outstanding contributions in the areas of energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of advanced and renewable energy technologies at federal facilities. Winners of the 2008 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards include the following.

Water Conservations Awards to Organizations

United States Marine Corps
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
San Diego, California

In fiscal year (FY) 2007, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar achieved total water cost savings of more than $1 million. Miramar used metering equipment to locate and repair water leaks throughout the base and identify and to troubleshoot high water use areas. This effort decreased potable water consumption by 29 million gallons. In addition, to help relieve drought conditions affecting the San Diego region, the station completed the first two phases of a reclaimed water project. Irrigation of the station's golf course was converted from potable to reclaimed water by tapping into the City of San Diego's large reclaimed water line, saving another 97 million gallons for a total of 126 million gallons saved at the station. These savings equate to a decrease in water consumption of 15% from the previous year, reducing the station's consumption to 12% below the FY 2003 baseline. Five remaining phases of the reclaimed water project are planned for completion by FY 2010.

Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Medical Center Huntington
Huntington, West Virginia

The Huntington Veterans Affairs Medical Center initiated a water reduction project in 2007 as part of its Green Environmental Management Services initiatives. The project upgraded the medical center to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED™) standards, converting 178 laminar flow faucets from 2.2 gallon per minute (gpm) to 1.5 gpm devices and 33 showerheads from 2.5 gpm to 1 gpm devices. Water savings are estimated at more than 1.5 million gallons—a 6% reduction from FY 2006—equating to almost $13,000 in water costs. The center realized an added benefit to its infection control program by incorporating silver ion antimicrobial technology, as silver prevents bacterial growth and eliminates bio-film formation on the laminar flow devices. The center plans to replace remaining faucets and showerheads to ensure continued compliance with Executive Order 13423's mandated water conservation goals.

Renewable Energy Award to an Organization

United States Marine Corps
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton
Camp Pendleton, California

During FY 2007, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton used energy conservation and investment program funding to construct solar thermal and photovoltaic (PV) systems at two training pools. Training pools are open year-round and typically use natural gas for water heating and electricity for running mechanical equipment. Utilizing both solar thermal and PV systems ensures that these facilities use less energy and are less dependent on electric and natural gas infrastructure for operation. Each solar thermal array consists of 152 solar panels generating 4.3 billion Btu annually, offsetting consumption of 54,700 therms of natural gas. The two PV systems will generate 63 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity annually. Together, these systems will save $101,600 in annual electricity and natural gas costs. By 2010, all the pools at Camp Pendleton will include a solar thermal and/or PV array.

Renewable Energy Award to Small Groups

Brian Magden
Ken Shutika
General Services Administration
Northeast and Caribbean Region
New York, New York

Because of their expertise in procuring green power in New York and New Jersey, the National Park Service (NPS) asked the General Services Administration (GSA) to procure green power for America's best known historical attractions on the east coast—the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The procurement was conducted using an online auction platform owned and operated by the World Energy Exchange, the leading online exchange for energy and green commodities. GSA awarded a contract in FY 2006 to Pepco Energy Services, requiring an estimated 27 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) over a three year period from FY 2006 to FY 2009. Both landmarks are now using renewable energy equivalents from wind power, generated from the Mountaineer Wind Center in West Virginia, for 100% of their electricity needs. The final contract price was $0.1037 per kWh, which in comparison to benchmarks developed at the time of the auction, yielded $617,000 or 17.5% in cost avoidance for NPS.

James Devir
Donald Fuccillo
Eric Keurulainen
Sean Orgel
Kathryn Thomas
General Services Administration
Frederick Murphy Record Center
Waltham, Massachusetts

The Frederick C. Murphy Federal Center is home to the National Archives and Records Center (NARA), Northeast Region. The center's roof, 144,000 square feet and exposed to full sunlight throughout the day, began nearing the end of its useful life, making it the perfect demonstration project for new ENERGY STAR® cool roof technology. The GSA's Energy Center Expertise worked with NARA to install a building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) roof system made up of flexible, amorphous silicon panels. During FY 2007, the array generated 430 MWh of electricity, 340 of which was used on site and 90 of which was delivered back to the utility grid for a credit to the facility utility bill. This translates to about $67,500 in annual electrical cost savings. In addition, fuel oil and natural gas consumption decreased on site by 24% and 36% respectively.

Coby Bartram
Kevin Cobble
Lorie Hardin
Mark Orton
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
San Andres National Wildlife Refuge
Las Cruces, New Mexico

The San Andres National Wildlife Refuge is home to 38 species of mammals and more than 150 species of birds. This includes an important habitat for endangered desert bighorn sheep. In FY 2007, the refuge installed a 6,000-Watt (W) hybrid solar PV/wind energy system comprised of 4,200 W of grid-tied solar PV panels, two 35W solar PV-powered parking lights, and a 1,800W grid-tied wind generator. With only a partial year of renewable energy production in FY 2007, the system saved 43 million Btu, with energy intensity decreasing by 80% from the FY 2003 baseline. The project team overcame numerous obstacles, obtaining funding from cost savings on other maintenance projects and technical advice from the local utility. As the first of its kind for the Fish and Wildlife Service's Southwest Region, the model system paves the way for similar installations throughout this and other regions.

Sustainable Design/High Performance Buildings Award to an Organization

Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
Woods Hole Science Center
Woods Hole, Massachusetts

The U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Science Center, using a FEMP technical assistance grant, completed a 4,400 square foot laboratory addition designed and constructed using the latest sustainable design principles and technologies. The sustainable facility increased the size of the existing building by 44% and will save 61% in annual energy consumption over a base case model through the use of active and passive solar technologies, natural ventilation and lighting strategies, increased insulation standards, and optimization of automated controls. The savings translate to 380.9 million Btu and $4,300 per year. An additional savings of 6.4 billion Btu and $20,000 per year is realized by the elimination of freezers located outside to an appropriate indoor storage facility. A vegetative roof, native landscaping, low light pollution, and a rain garden reduce the facility's impact on the natural environment.

Sustainable Design/High Performance Buildings Award to a Small Group

Doug Brewer
Rick Frietsche
Dan Frisk
Andrew McDermott
Donna Stanek
Fish and Wildlife Service
Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
Oak Harbor, Ohio

The new Visitor Center at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge replaced an old headquarters building that was constructed in the 1940s. This high-performance building was designed to be equivalent to a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) "Silver" rating. The building's 12,684 square feet are heated and cooled by a pond-loop geothermal heat pump system, with geothermal radiant floor heating on the main level. The building also incorporates high-efficiency lighting controlled by motion and daylight sensors; point-of-use hot water heaters; high efficiency, low-E tinted windows; super insulation; a reflective metal roof; natural linoleum flooring; carpet with a high recycled content; low light pollution; rainwater gardens and holding ponds; restoration of wetland; and native planting. The sustainable design reduced the building's energy intensity by 51% in FY 2007 from the FY 2003 baseline.

Vehicle Fleet Management Award to an Organization

Department of Energy
Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory
Princeton, New Jersey

In FY 2007, the Department of Energy's Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) first began using B20 biodiesel as an alternative fuel for new utility vehicles and existing diesel-powered fleet vehicles. The use of this fuel in a new utility vehicle—the John Deere Gator—was groundbreaking as this was the first time B20 fuel was used in this vehicle. PPPL also reinstituted the use of natural gas powered vehicles, obtaining three new full size pickup trucks from the GSA. These efforts, along with managing vehicle use, allowed PPPL to reduce petroleum fuel from more than 7,200 gallons in the FY 2005 base year to just over 4,600 gallons in FY 2007. This reduction of 36% is nearly double the 2015 goal of 20%. The use of B20 results in a reduced carbon footprint of more than 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide. PPPL's alternative fuel program is growing, with plans to obtain additional flex fuel, diesel, and natural gas vehicles to augment the current fleet.

Vehicle Fleet Management Award to an Individual

Bruce Chesson
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Kennedy Space Center, Florida

At John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Bruce Chesson has greatly increased the use of alternative fuels, reduced petroleum usage, and increased public awareness of alternative fuels. Mr. Chesson was instrumental in acquiring alternative-fueled vehicles for KSC, as well as procuring a contract to provide two ethanol (E85) service stations. Due to his efforts, KSC has increased its E85 volume from 144 gallons to an average of 15,000 gallons per month. Use of these E85 flex fuel vehicles along with 144 B20 biodiesel and 123 compressed natural gas vehicles reduced KSC's petroleum fuel consumption in FY 2007 by more than 104,300 gallons from the FY 2005 base year. Mr. Chesson also developed several Space Act Agreements with Honda Motor Corporation, Bavarian Motor Works, and Hybrid Technologies, Inc. to partner and provide hydrogen-powered fuel cell and lithium-powered electric vehicles for demonstration, test, and evaluation, which led to improved education and technology for future alternative fueled vehicles at KSC.

Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Organizations

United States Air Force
Charleston Air Force Base
Charleston, South Carolina

Using an energy savings performance contract (ESPC), Charleston Air Force Base executed a project to replace the existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system with a combination of geothermal heat pumps (GHP) and high-efficiency air conditioning equipment. The project, financed at more than $55 million, was the largest ESPC executed within the Air Mobility Command to date. Using an ESPC helped the base reduce its steam plant phase-out plan from an estimated 17 years to only two years, eliminating most of the steam distribution piping in the first year while maintaining the ability to back-feed the remaining sections during the winter months. The new GHP and HVAC equipment, along with additional measures financed by the ESPC including lighting retrofits, energy management control modifications, and water-saving equipment, saved the base more than 186 billion Btu, 31.7 million gallons of water, and $2.3 million in FY 2007.

United States Air Force
Eglin Air Force Base
796th Civil Engineer Squadron
Eglin Air Force Base, Florida

In FY 2007, Eglin Air Force Base used two major program initiatives to save energy and reduce costs. The base teamed with Gulf Power Company and Southern Company Energy Solutions to implement energy efficiency projects through a utility energy services contract (UESC) that reduced consumption by more than 48 billion Btu and saved nearly $1 million in energy costs. Measures included lighting upgrades, daylight harvesting controls, LED lighting retrofits, energy management control systems, central plant chilled water system optimization, boiler plant replacement, and chiller replacements. The base also purchased 3,300 megawatt-hours of renewable energy certificates to meet 2.5% of the renewable energy goal set by Executive Order 13423. Additionally, a second UESC was executed with Gulf Power and Chevron Energy Solutions that will save an additional 36 billion Btu and $700,000 annually.

Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park Campus
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Research Triangle Park (RTP) campus constitutes the agency's largest laboratory complex, accounting for 46.5% of EPA's reportable energy consumption in FY 2007. RTP executed several extensive recommissioning projects in three of their largest facilities and used simple energy conservation measures in other facilities to achieve overall savings of more than 46 billion Btu and almost $1.5 million in FY 2007. Because the RTP campus saved more energy and costs on a percentage basis than the entire agency, the campus helped EPA exceed its 3% FY 2007 energy reduction requirement by 34.6%. Additionally, because EPA made a green power purchase in FY 2007 equivalent to 100% of RTP's electricity use, the campus reduced its energy-related gas emissions by more than 37,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide compared to FY 2003.

Department of the Navy
Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division occupies facilities at 10 sites in eight states and is responsible for research, development, test and evaluation, and fleet support and in-service engineering for surface and undersea vehicles. In FY 2007 Carderock Division collectively achieved a 10.1% reduction in energy intensity as compared to the FY 2003 baseline at its three largest energy-consuming sites in Bethesda, Maryland; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Memphis, Tennessee. The Division invested more than $5 million in energy projects that saved more than 86 billion Btu and $1 million in FY 2007. Projects executed included cooling tower replacements and repairs, energy efficient lighting upgrades, installation of decentralized gas heating systems for remote buildings, installation of energy-efficient heating systems, steam and condensate line replacements, and multiple direct digital control system installations.

Department of the Navy
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Naval Utilities and Energy Cost Saver Tiger Team

The Department of the Navy's Utilities and Energy Cost Saver Tiger Team was created to address rising utility costs at Navy installations. Since its inception in 2005, the team conducted initial and follow-up visits to 12 Navy installations, recommending low-cost and no-cost energy conservation opportunities that, if fully implemented, would result in more than $6.5 million in cost savings. Recommendations include monitoring HVAC control systems; reducing lighting in over-lit areas and using daylighting; surveying and repairing steam and compressed air distribution leaks and replacing insulation; conducting boiler tune-ups; sealing openings in the building envelope; installing programmable thermostats and occupancy sensors; shutting off HVAC equipment when not needed; and disconnecting front panel vending machine lighting and installing vending misers. As a direct result of the recommendations, implemented projects in FY 2007 will save 163 billion Btu and $3.5 million.

Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Small Groups

Michelle Price
Jeff Blazi
United States Air Force
Nellis Air Force Base
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

In FY 2007, Nellis Air Force Base's energy management team implemented a three-part energy program. The program includes developing infrastructure projects that increase the use of renewable energy, improve base infrastructure, and reduce energy consumption; implementing a no-cost, low-cost conservation program; and creating a marketing campaign to develop base-wide support for new energy initiatives. The team completed construction of a 14.2 megawatt (MW) PV array—the largest in America—that will provide Nellis with 30 million kWh of green power and save about $1 million annually. A combination of spectrally-selective window film and ceramic paint was used on a number of base facilities where 99% of radiant energy is reflected or re-emitted, saving about $100,000 in electricity costs for one 56,000 square foot facility alone. Further, a new base energy policy outlined numerous changes to base energy operations that saved more than $1.3 million in FY 2007.

Tony Estes
Aaron Fry
Bobby Lynn
Bill Mallow
Richard Strohl
Department of the Army
Fort Hood Department of Public Works
Fort Hood, Texas

Fort Hood leveraged technology to manage its facilities and utilities through a Web-based system—the first of its kind to be successfully implemented by the Army. Working with the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory and the Army Corps of Engineers (COE), the Fort Hood team used an ESPC to implement an "open communications system" to serve as a single platform for facilities and utilities management. In FY 2007, the utility management and control system generated more than $200,000 in energy cost savings, with savings increasing as new facilities are added. Additionally, the system strictly adheres to new guidance developed by the COE and serves as a benchmark for the Army. This helps reduce the agency's dependence on multiple proprietary, incompatible control systems that cost millions of dollars to manage and maintain.

Robert Demyanovich
Ken Mears
Thomas Santoianni
Richard Spiess
Department of the Navy
Naval Base Ventura County
Port Hueneme, California

In FY 2007, Naval Base Ventura County reduced its energy use by nearly 8% from the previous year and reduced energy intensity 14% from a FY 2003 baseline. Projects included lighting upgrades; heating, air conditioning, and ventilation upgrades; PV and skylight projects; and water-conservation projects including irrigation retrofits and xeriscaping. New six-lamp high-bay T8 spectrally-enhanced fluorescent fixtures were installed in 13 warehouses and hangars, emitting light similar to daylight and reducing energy consumption by 50%. To reduce peak electric loads, the base participated in a utility company demand bidding program, with personnel turning off all non-essential electric loads and performing all energy-intensive activities in the morning hours. The base held 18 energy-reduction events that resulted in savings of more than $42,000 over the summer months. All together, these initiatives saved 30.6 billion Btu and almost $800,000 in FY 2007.

Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to an Individual

Robert Montgomery
United States Air Force
Moody Air Force Base
Moody Air Force Base, Georgia

Robert Montgomery's creative energy management allowed Moody Air Force Base to save approximately 40% of its energy costs in FY 2007. Mr. Montgomery redirected the efforts of an energy savings performance contract that previously identified $900,000 in energy projects to tackle high energy consumption locations. The result was five new projects valued at more than $5 million, including upgrading more than 14,000 fluorescent lamps and fixtures; replacing two central natural gas heating plants with infrared ceramic heaters; installing a propane air-mix emergency reserve plant; installing four state-of-the-art diesel generators providing total power to four of the largest base facilities; and installing energy management control systems at 11 high energy use facilities. These and other projects implemented in FY 2007 resulted in an 8% reduction in energy consumption and savings of $310,000 in natural gas and $445,000 in electricity.

Exceptional Service Awards to Individuals

Rick Dreisch
Environmental Protection Agency
Fort Meade Environmental Science Center
Fort Meade, Maryland

Rick Dreisch, facility manager of EPA's Environmental Science Center (ESC), has emerged as one of the most proactive facility managers in the agency in the areas of energy and water conservation. During his multi-decade tenure at EPA, including his last eight years at ESC, Mr. Dreisch has demonstrated a hands-on, forward thinking approach to facility management. Since ESC opened in 1999, he has championed project and initiatives that saved nearly 23 billion Btu and nearly seven million gallons of water, including the implementation of EPA's first commissioning/re-commissioning project. In FY 2007, he continued to support a comprehensive, three-phase assessment of ESC's ventilation systems and building controls aimed at reducing energy use over the long term. Water-saving projects have included optimization of ESC's reverse osmosis system, the reduction of cooling tower blowdown, and installation of native landscaping. During FY 2007, despite an ever-increasing demand for energy and water to support ESC's 70 laboratory spaces, Mr. Dreisch's efforts have helped to reduce the facility's annual energy use by nearly 30%—resulting in $250,000 in avoided costs—and annual water use by 57% since FY 1999.

Bernard Lindsey
Department of the Navy
Navy Region Southwest
San Diego, California

Bernard Lindsey, Utilities and Energy Program Manager for Navy Region Southwest (NRSW), leads a team of professionals from 10 major installations in California and Nevada, managing the region's $101 million utility budget. He is in all respects a leader in the Navy Energy Program and an influential voice in setting Navy energy policies. He chairs the Regional Energy Steering Committee, and is on the Southwest Renewable Energy Action Team striving to provide near 100% renewable electricity. He manages the largest resource efficiency manager (REM) program in the federal government, and has played a major role in the Navy's efforts to roll out REMs to regions across the globe, providing invaluable assistance in helping shape its programs. Under his direction, NRSW reduced energy use in FY 2007 by more than 16% from the FY 2003 baseline, saved 376 billion Btu, conserved 380 million gallons of water, and reduced the region's utility costs by about $8.5 million or 9%. Prior to managing the NRSW energy program, Mr. Lindsey was instrumental in implementing a $105 million cogeneration project at Fleet Activity Yokosuka, Japan, with projected annual savings of $11 million in energy costs and 305 million Btu.

Stephen Brothers
Tennessee Valley Authority
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Stephen Brothers has served the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for 29 years, with the majority of his time managing TVA's internal energy management program. Under his direction and leadership, TVA has achieved a 32% energy reduction in standard facilities since 1985 and a 25% energy reduction in industrial facilities since 1990, resulting in cumulative savings of $40.1 million and $1.6 million respectively. The Department of Energy's FY 2006 Annual Report to Congress on Federal Government Energy Management and Conservation Programs lists TVA's federal goal buildings as the most efficient in the federal government. Over the years, Mr. Brothers has promoted the use of fuel-efficient vehicles, helping TVA improve its sedan fuel efficiency by 44% since 1975 and its truck efficiency by 35% since 1980. The program conducts annual building energy surveys that also uncover water conservation opportunities. During recent years, TVA has cut its potable water use by 2%, and is working toward meeting the new mandated goals. In FY 2007 alone, efforts led by Mr. Brothers saved 77.8 billion Btu and $4.6 million in energy costs.