The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize individuals, groups, and agencies for their outstanding contributions in the areas of energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of advanced and renewable energy technologies at federal facilities. Winners of the 2006 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards include the following.
Water Conservation Award to an Individual
Kyle Sato
Department of the Interior
United States Geological Survey
Western Fisheries Research Center
Seattle, Washington
Kyle Sato, Facilities Manager and Mechanical Engineer, leads the Western Fisheries Research Center facilities organization in their goal to continuously improve building infrastructure, operational processes, and management practices. Mr. Sato worked with FEMP to complete a SAVEnergy audit in March 2004 which highlighted several energy and water saving recommendations. Based on these results and a recent rise in water costs, Mr. Sato began an analysis of water consumption at the laboratory. His work led to the implementation of several water conservation improvements including changing autoclave procedures, modifying cooling tower equipment, and installing water-saving equipment in restrooms. Additionally, Mr. Sato worked to improve employee awareness through meetings, e-mail, and notifi cations about equipment operation and procedures. His efforts resulted in a 63 percent reduction in water consumption compared to FY 2004, totaling more than 2 million gallons and a cost savings of almost $24,000 in FY 2005.
Renewable Energy Award to an Organization
United States Marine Corps
Marine Corps Base Camp
Camp Pendleton, California
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton reduced energy consumption in FY 2005 despite increased facility square footage. This achievement is due to a continuous and aggressive team effort, which includes capitalizing on renewable project development and execution. In FY 2005, the base installed two large solar photovoltaic rooftop arrays on warehouse facilities with solar generating capacities of 46 and 29 kilowatts (kW). The buildings were selected based on their solar orientation, structural integrity, and roof surface. The energy from this grid-connected PV system will offset a significant portion of the immediate area's electrical requirements. Camp Pendleton has three additional solar projects under construction and four others in the design phase. By the end of FY 2007, the base will have a total of 236 kW of PV solar generating capacity. These projects, as well as additional efficiency measures completed through a $6.5 million energy savings performance contract, helped the base exceed the energy reduction goal in FY 2005, achieving more than 30 percent reduction from the baseline.
Renewable Energy Awards to Small Groups
David Abbott
Jonathan Corwin
1LT Timothy Hinko
Leon Jones
Kent Nomura
United States Air Force
Hill Air Force Base, Utah
Hill Air Force Base was the first Federal installation or site to take advantage of the Department of Energy's Biomass and Alternative Methane Fuels (BAMF) program, entering into a partnership with Ameresco Federal solutions in 2003. The contract award included construction of a landfill gas-fueled power generation facility, along with implementation of eight traditional energy conservation measures. The 2-mile landfill gas pipeline and 1.2-megawatt on-site power generation facility was completed in 2004, with green power generation and transmission beginning in early 2005. This project reduced the base's energy consumption by more than 33 billion Btu and $740,000 in FY 2005. Additionally, Hill AFB re-negotiated a five year steam purchase contract with the local utility to purchase steam produced from refuse incineration. The base purchased almost 485 billion Btu in FY 2005, supplying 17 percent of the base's energy load and saving more than $200,000 in avoided natural gas purchases. Going forward, the new contract is estimated to save almost $1 million annually.
Frank Baker
Steve Fries
Vince Heuser
Gary Meredith
Patrick Walsh
Department of the Army
Fort Knox, Kentucky
The Fort Knox Disney Barracks Area, constructed in the 1960s, is comprised of 38 buildings comprising more than 800,000 square feet of conditioned space. After 40 years, the complex was still heated by the original centralized hot water system and cooled by decentralized cooling equipment of different ages and functional conditions. None of the buildings were on an automated system that efficiently controlled the buildings, and many buildings had poor ventilation causing serious air quality problems. These old, inefficient systems consumed 39 percent more energy than required. In FY 2005, Fort Knox used a utility energy service contract to replace 70 percent of the existing heating and cooling systems with geothermal heat pumps and modernize the barracks with new ventilation systems to improve air quality. All the buildings were integrated into the world's largest wireless control system. The project saved more than 102 billion Btu of natural gas, equating to overall savings of 70 percent and more than $807,000 in FY 2005.
Gregory Britt
Alan Edwards
Noel Fenlon
Fran Morin
Joseph Norwood
Steve Witczak
Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Federal Correctional Institution
Victorville, California
The Federal Bureau of Prisons awarded an energy savings performance contract to NORESCO LLC in 2003 to implement several projects at Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Victorville, including installing a 750-kilowatt wind turbine, a photovoltaic (PV) covered parking solar array, and several cost-efficient upgrades to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. The wind turbine produces 30 percent of the peak electric demand for FCI Victorville and saves more than 9 percent of annual electricity consumption. The PV carport array is rated to produce 74.5 kilowatts at full capacity, and provides shade for vehicles during the extremely hot summers. The FCI also implemented an outreach program for staff and inmates that covers efficient practices for lighting, office equipment, heating, cooling, water, wastewater, and fuel. The renewable projects, along with integrating HVAC controls and adding variable frequency drives, saved more than $212,000 and 3.8 billion Btu in FY 2005 during the final construction phase. It is estimated that savings of almost $470,000 and 9.6 billion Btu will be attained in FY 2006.
Joel Crane
Daniel Ingold
Jeff Johnston
Regi Mallari
Beverly Wade
Department of the Navy
U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
In FY 2004, the Department of the Navy partnered with NORESCO to construct a $12 million wind turbine project at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Four wind turbines with a capacity of 950 kilowatts each were installed using an energy savings performance contract. The turbines were integrated into the existing electrical grid—an independent grid powered by diesel generators—to form the world's largest wind-diesel hybrid power plant. The turbines will produce more than 7 million kilowatt-hours of electricity each year, enough power to supply about a quarter of the peak power needed for base operations. The project will not only save taxpayers $1.2 million in annual energy costs, but will also save 650,000 gallons of diesel fuel and reduce air pollution by 26 tons of sulfur dioxide and 15 tons of nitrous oxide. With the wind turbines in operation for only six months in FY 2005, the base still experienced its lowest energy usage in the past five years—a 17 percent reduction from the baseline, equal to 37 billion Btu and cost savings of $805,000.
Renewable Energy Award to an Individual
Larry Smith
Social Security Administration
Chicago, Illinois
As part of its ongoing efforts to meet green energy requirements, the Social Security Administration (SSA), led by Larry Smith, used a utility energy services contract with ConEd to complete the installation of a 100-kilowatt solar electric system at the Harold Washington Social Security Center in FY 2005. The largest Federal solar array in Chicago, the 8,000 square foot rooftop array is integrated into the architecture of the building, generating enough electricity each day to power 100 homes. The grid-connected solar array reduced SSA's electrical load by more than 98.5 million Btu in FY 2005, helping to offset peak power costs statewide. By reducing demand for energy from the utility grid, the system demonstrates how Federal agencies can help make our nation's energy supply not only more reliable, but also increasingly emissions-free. SSA estimates that the solar system will displace more than 4 million pounds of greenhouse gases over the next 30 years. This is equivalent to the carbon dioxide absorbed by 20 acres of trees or avoiding driving 4.8 million miles on the roadways of Chicago.
Energy Security and Reliability Award to a Small Group
Bill Dias
Thomas Olson
Randall Ritter
Department of Veterans Affairs
VA San Diego Healthcare System
San Diego, California
The Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System installed a new generation plant in December 2004 to improve electrical security and reliability while dramatically reducing air pollution from nitrogen oxide by more than 40 tons. The new 4,600-kilowatt solar mercury turbine with an ultra-lean premix burner system and heat recovery steam generator replaced an older natural gas turbine, 800-kilowatt generator, and waste heat recovery boiler. As a result of this upgrade, the combined heat and power plant provides all the electricity required by VA San Diego approximately 90 percent of the time. The remainder of the hours, the plant can be combined with emergency generator power to supply all the power required by the facility. The plant also provides a significant amount of recovered heat, which produces steam via a waste heat boiler, providing a backup for the main hospital boilers. The steam is also used for the new absorption chiller to provide cooling for the operating rooms and other parts of the facility. During only a partial year of operation in FY 2005, VA San Diego reduced utility expenditures by 15 percent or more than $600,000.
Energy Efficiency/Energy Program Management Awards to Small Groups
Chuck Miller
Jon Rexroad
Dennis Svalstad
Lisa Teeslink
Chris Tinsley
United States Air Force
Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota
The 28th Civil Engineering Energy Management Team at Ellsworth Air Force Base has a consistent record of exceeding energy cost and consumption reduction goals. Acting as leaders, they work to involve the entire base in their approach, allowing each agency to contribute to a wide range of projects. They have repeatedly worked with their supplier and partner, Montana Dakota Utilities, to achieve enormous energy savings through several utility energy service contracts. The most recent $4.3 million task order, completed in FY 2005, covered 100 projects and impacted practically every member of the base populace. Through the task order, the base installed air stratification and high efficiency lighting systems in more than 47 facilities. Some buildings received additional upgrades including a new natural gas radiant heating system, window replacements, and high efficiency boilers. Total annual savings from these projects amounted to more than $470,000 and 66.9 billion Btu.
Matthew Capano
Andre Johnson
George Lopez
MSgt David Minzie
United States Air Force
Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland
The energy team at Andrews Air Force Base planned, managed, and executed a program that substantially reduced energy consumption in FY 2005 while improving the quality of life for building occupants and reducing environmental impacts. The team implemented a utility services contract to decentralize two steam plants affecting 115 buildings; retrofit 105 toilets, 186 faucets, and 51 showerheads with water conserving devices; and install 269 energy efficient electronic ballasts and T8 lighting fixtures. These projects reduced water consumption by 51.5 million gallons and energy consumption by more than and 379 billion Btu, saving almost $4 million in utility costs. Additionally, significant air emissions reductions from a decline in fuel oil usage by 1.9 million gallons allowed the base to request $750,000 of air emission credits. Energy savings in FY 2005 were 63 percent over the baseline without fully realizing all of the savings from the projects. Measured savings following the winter months of FY 2006 show that Andrews AFB is on track to realize 78 percent savings from the exceptional efforts of this team.
Francis Donohue
Michael Holtz
Eric Johnson
Joseph Marinaccio
James Palma
General Services Administration
Charles E. Bennett Federal Office Building
Jacksonville, Florida
High energy use in the 11-story, 330,000 square foot Charles E. Bennett Federal Office Building represented a major challenge for GSA in achieving their energy management goals. As part of a $25 million renovation project, GSA completely gutted the interior, replacing all windows, electrical systems, mechanical systems, and controls in the 1960's vintage building. This holistic redesign effort was based on the ENERGY STAR® building program, and was accomplished with an architectural and engineering team and GSA working side by side to evaluate energy-saving merits of various design strategies, including energy and climate-responsive HVAC systems and Web-based automation systems. GSA required commissioning of these systems from design through construction to ensure the new strategies operated as intended. As a result, building energy consumption dropped more than 60 percent in FY 2005, saving 23.8 billion Btu.
Dennis Gentry
Sandy Jones
John McCrum
Charles Sitzlar
Tim Wisner
General Services Administration
Greening the John J. Duncan Federal Building
Knoxville, Tennessee
Fueled by a strong desire to meet energy reduction mandates, the Knoxville, Tennessee GSA team used creative thinking and group collaboration to take an 18-year old facility and make an extraordinary environmental impact. Joint energy audit efforts of GSA, DOE's Atlanta Office and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the University of Tennessee Energy and Environmental Resource Center identified several energy and water-saving projects. Comprehensive building recommissioning and a new building control system, along with lighting upgrades and motion sensors, resulted in savings of approximately 1.7 billion Btu in FY 2005, exceeding FY 2005 energy reduction goals by 33 percent. Restrooms were retrofitted with water-saving equipment, and new secondary meters were placed on water supplies to reduce water sewage and runoff charges, saving 400,000 gallons of water each year. These projects, as well as aggressive recycling programs and green space, helped the building attain an ENERGY STAR® rating of 94 and qualify for a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED™) certification.
Katherine Busch
Harry Debes
David Dwyer
Shapour Ebadi
Ernest Lunsford
Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, Maryland
In FY 2003, the Department of Health and Human Services partnered with GSA to implement an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) with Sempra Solutions to install a 5.8 megawatt combined heat and power (CHP) facility at the Food and Drug Administration's White Oak Consolidation. The plant incorporates a photovoltaic array that provides reliable, uninterrupted on-site electricity generation for three facilities. Heat is recovered from the generating process to produce hot water and chilled water in absorption chillers, increasing the thermal efficiency of the plant by 30 percent and significantly reducing pollution emissions. In FY 2005, the CHP plant, along with lighting upgrades, glazing improvements, HVAC upgrades, and night setback controls also covered by the ESPC, saved 12.5 billion Btu on-site and $581,000. Planned expansion of the system will support 100 percent power generation for the completed campus, allowing the local utility to avoid accommodating an additional 30 megawatt load.
Kevin Fantz
Peter Sorensen
Department of the Navy
Naval Air Station Lemoore
Lemoore, California
Naval Air Station Lemoore reinvigorated their energy management program in FY 2005, increasing participation by including regional cash awards incentives for sailors and civilian personnel. Using Energy Conservation Investment Program funds, the base completed the second phase of a mechanical project to rehabilitate a chiller plant feeding seven barrack buildings; installed new chillers and boilers at an aircraft hangar; and performed lighting retrofits at more than 20 buildings. Additional projects included installing new HVAC units, using light emitting diode lamps as runway taxi lights, and buying 25 electric carts to replace gas-powered vehicles on base. The base also implemented six no-cost initiatives, such as curtailing HVAC, performing computer equipment shutdowns and early boiler shutdowns, delaying air conditioning startups, and reprogramming direct digital controls. These projects collectively saved 17 billion Btu and almost $143,000 in FY 2005, reducing consumption to more than 12 percent below the baseline.
Jon Duke
Robert Gilleskie
Michael Magee
Fred Speece
Tim Weiss
Department of the Navy
Navy Region Southwest
San Diego, California
The Navy Region Southwest Metro San Diego Area regional energy managers helped achieve significant energy consumption reductions at three major installations: Naval Base Coronado, Naval Base San Diego, and Naval Base Point Loma. In FY 2005, the three installations engaged in aggressive energy and water management programs, projects, and initiatives, collectively decreasing energy usage by 37 percent below the FY 1985 baseline. In FY 2005, the team helped execute a range of projects, including decentralizing two steam systems, installing high efficiency boilers, adding irrigation controls, retrofitting lights, expanding energy management systems, and tuning up energy intensive buildings. The team worked to institutionalize practices across the bases, including using meter data to find energy conservation opportunities, training personnel, maintaining high levels of awareness, implementing best energy management practices, and incorporating principles of sustainable design into construction. These efforts saved 16.6 billion Btu of energy and 73 million gallons of water— worth $3.6 million.
Exceptional Service Awards to Individuals
James Sura
Department of the Navy
Naval Base Kitsap
Silverdale, Washington
Over the past several years the Navy's Northwest Regional Energy Program has grown and achieved many significant accomplishments, with Jim Sura as the key energy champion driving its success. Mr. Sura, retired from the Bremerton Complex, now serves as a resource efficiency manager at three Navy installations (Naval Base Kitsap (NBK)-Bangor, NBK-Bremerton, and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility). These installations collectively use approximately 80 percent of the Northwest's energy, equating to $30 million. Over the past four years under Mr. Sura's leadership, the three installations have completed 11 projects and saved $2 million in energy costs. 16 projects currently under construction will save an additional $1 million annually, and include a geothermal heat pump project for the Delta Pier at NBK-Bangor and a stack gas heat recovery project and industrial lighting improvements at NBK-Bremerton. Mr. Sura also supports key regional initiatives in energy project development, awareness, public outreach, and enhanced data management. A great teacher and leader, he makes time to educate both his REM employees and Navy customers. Thanks to Mr. Sura's efforts, in FY 2005 NBK-Bremerton reduced energy use by almost 27 percent, NBK-Bangor by 30 percent, and Puget Sound by more than 3 percent from the baseline.
Ray Levinson
U.S. Postal Service
Pacific Area Energy Program
Daly City, California
For more than a decade, Ray Levinson, USPS Pacific Area Manager, has been a driving force behind the energy polices and projects implemented by the Postal Service. He has been a shining star among energy management professionals, working to reduce energy consumption, increase renewable energy use, explore cutting-edge technologies, and transform waste to productivity. Mr. Levinson designed and implemented a program that has evolved to meet rapidly changing energy markets. The Pacific Area Energy Program won a Presidential Award for Leadership in Federal Energy Management in 2003 for their outstanding efforts to incorporate the extensive use of Executive Order tools into agency policies and practices. Since that time Mr. Levinson has capitalized on the program's strength to achieve more than $108 million in completed energy efficiency and energy management retrofit projects, including development of the largest civilian agency stock of solar photovoltaic systems. These projects are already delivering annual cost savings of approximately $9.4 million and annual energy savings of nearly 340 billion Btu. In addition to accomplishments in his own region, Mr. Levinson's activities have influenced several national USPS initiatives based on his successful efforts.