2001 Federal Energy and Water Management Award Winners

The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize individuals, groups, and agencies for their outstanding contributions in the areas of energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of advanced and renewable energy technologies at federal facilities. Winners of the 2001 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards include the following.

Water Management Awards to Organizations

NAVSEA Keyport, Undersea Warfare Center Division
Department of the Navy
Keyport, Washington

The NAVSEA Keyport, Undersea Warfare Center Division developed and implemented an innovative water-wise landscaping program that is beautifying the Base and saved $50,000 and 200,000 to 400,000 gallons of water during FY 2000. The program provides high visibility for water conservation near the main entrance, to base personnel and residents of Kitsap County and Western Washington. The success of the Keyport Innovative Landscaping Program is due entirely to extraordinary teamwork-an effort that has helped solidify the local community as well. Numerous organizations lent their support, including a landscape architecture class from a local community college that developed a detailed design package using indigenous plants and ground cover. The manpower for the project was provided by the Navy Transfer Personnel Unit (TPU) from Bangor Base. The TPU refurbished curbside and wooden planters, cleaned storm drains, removed unwanted vegetation and debris, planted shore pines, cleared and rehabilitated the nature trail, and reestablished the wetlands by planting native grasses and trees. Initially the project saved approximately $50,000 annually in grounds maintenance costs. Subsequently, during a two-year period, the grounds maintenance contract was reduced by more than $70,000.

NAVSEA Crane, Surface Warfare Center Division
Department of the Navy
Crane, Indiana

The NAVSEA Crane, Surface Warfare Center Division utilized innovative thinking in developing the Indiana Water Conservation Project. Previously, Crane's 175-mile water distribution system was antiquated and springing leaks that sent water bills soaring. This forced the Base to rethink its water operations, from production and distribution to end use. One innovative idea that arose from this creative process and that has proven effective was to use scuba divers to clean water towers instead of draining the towers. This change alone saved 1.8 million gallons of water. Crane modernized the water production plant, improving its efficiency and effectiveness. This effort is saving 20 million gallons of water per year. The water consumption crisis in Crane's distribution system drove Crane to seek ways to improve the system through monitoring and analysis. As a result, Crane removed 26 miles of obsolete leaking piping in the water distribution system. In addition, they repaired the leaky swimming pool, saving 1.6 million gallons of water. By reexamining all operations, they were able to devise improvements that are saving $90,000 a year and approximately 88 million gallons of water, representing a 30 percent reduction for the Division.

Fort Carson
Department of the Army
Fort Carson, Colorado

Fort Carson, Colorado, maintains a comprehensive water conservation program consisting of sound environmental management, special projects, outreach, and education to protect and conserve water resources. Water-saving projects at Fort Carson include centralizing its vehicle wash facility, using wastewater to irrigate its 180-acre golf course, installing composting toilets that are almost waterless, practicing beneficial landscaping, and more. Through these projects, Fort Carson reduced its water-use 17 percent between 1989 and 2000, saving the Post more than $1.8 million per year in avoided water and wastewater treatment costs. Total water savings are in excess of 580 million gallons per year. Most notable about the reduction in water use is that it occurred while troop strength essentially remained the same and a sizable increase in water use for irrigation took place. Thus, water use and reuse at Fort Carson is a carefully thought out and orchestrated effort.

Mobility Energy Efficiency Awards to Organizations

USS Essex
Department of the Navy

Innovative thinking and creative strategies have characterized the USS ESSEX's energy awareness and conservation plans. Energy training and awareness extends to all Marines on the ship and is integrated into every level of planning and operations by the Energy Conservation Board. Non-traditional anchoring plans and maintenance strategies have generated large energy savings. While at anchor in auxiliary steaming status, fuel savings of 23 percent are achieved. The USS ESSEX also switched to a single boiler plant mode of operation, which is now 24 percent more efficient than operating two boilers throughout the majority of its speed range. These efforts have resulted in savings of 225,000 gallons of fuel and more than $135,000 during FY 2000. These energy savings were attained despite the high operational tempo of a ship such as ESSEX, laying to rest the belief that energy conservation and real-world military taskings are mutually exclusive.

Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 57
Department of the Navy
San Diego, California

Through careful planning, heightened awareness, training, and a commitment to sound energy management practices, Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 57 (VR-57) saved more than $830,000 in energy costs during FY 2000. A 23-percent reduction in fuel consumption was achieved by carefully tailoring fuel loads to the minimum necessary to meet individual mission requirements, using computerized flight planning programs to determine optimum performance, and implementing strict maintenance inspection schedules, among other strategies. By operating more efficiently and reducing flight hours, VR-57 has been able to meet all operational commitments while achieving impressive energy savings.

Mobility Energy Efficiency Awards to Small Groups

Stacy Clark
Michael McGill
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma Arizona

United States Marine Corps
Yuma, Arizona

The Motor Transport Department at the Marine Corps Air Station initiated several steps to save energy while maintaining sound operational efficiency. A strategy was devised to acquire vehicles with substantially higher fuel economy, procure alternate-fueled vehicles, terminate under-utilized vehicles, and assign vehicles to multi-tasking duties. Forty-four gasoline vehicles were replaced with electric vehicles, resulting in a cost avoidance of more than $4,400. Bio-fueled vehicles now comprise 75 percent of the new vehicle procurements, and the Department is working with the City of Yuma to locate a compressed natural gas refueling station in Yuma. Total cost avoidance during FY 2000 resulting from these comprehensive efforts was $112,682.

Alternative Financing Awards to Organizations

XVIII ABN Corps and Fort Bragg
Department of the Army
Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Fort Bragg embarked on an ESPC program in February 1998, by conducting a detailed selection process to choose an energy savings contractor (ESCO). Honeywell was selected and the first proposal was submitted in October 1997. The project aimed to reduce energy use, lower costs, reduce environmental emissions, and improve the quality of life for the soldiers, dependents, and employees of Fort Bragg. For FY 2000, Fort Bragg saved more than $5 million and almost 150 billion Btu as a result of the ESPC program. The cost reduction will generate close to $98 million in savings over the term of the ESPC program. Nearly $94 million of those savings are being reinvested into Fort Bragg's facilities and infrastructure.

Naval Training Center Great Lakes
Department of the Navy
Great Lakes, Illinois

Naval Training Center (NTC) Great Lakes, Illinois, is undertaking a ten-phase multi-year, multi-million dollar Base-wide program to identify and implement energy conservation opportunities. This demand-side management project with Commonwealth Edison (ComEd), the local electrical utility, uses ComEd's expertise and capital to perform and finance initiatives that would otherwise likely not be considered. The project is being accomplished in phases. Each phase covers approximately 20 buildings. ComEd made $14.6 million in energy improvements at the Center during 2000, resulting in savings of $2.1 million and more than 107 billion Btu per year. Three additional phases costing $21 million, that will save an estimated $2.4 million per year, were developed during 2000, with construction and installation scheduled for 2001.

Naval Support Activity Mid-South
Department of the Navy
Millington, Tennessee

In its continuing effort to meet high energy performance standards, Naval Support Activity Mid-South entered into a basic ordering agreement project containing three energy conservation measures: 1) Replacing the central steam plant; 2) Installing an energy management control system; and 3) Performing a lighting retrofit. The central steam plant replacement included the installation of high efficiency hot water boilers, high efficiency domestic hot water heaters, and natural gas-fired unit heaters in the 55 buildings served by the central steam plant. An energy management system and commissioning effort included installation of native BACnet Direct Digital Controls in 38 individual buildings, and connection of controls via a fiberoptic LAN network station. The system utilizes intelligent distributed control modules located in each building and factors in occupancy schedules as well as night set back, demand limiting, and chiller optimization. The project also included lighting retrofits of all existing F40 fluorescent lamps, all magnetic ballasts, all incandescent lamps, and exit lights located in the interior of the buildings with new energy-efficient lamps and ballasts. This $13.2 million project is saving $1.7 million and 286 billion Btu per year.

Alternative Financing Awards to Small Groups

Jose Cao-Garcia
Richard H. Crowson
Brian J. McCarthy
Nathaniel James Pines
Hilario L. Silverio

Department of State
Seoul, Korea

The Department of State is the first to advance FEMP's Super Geothermal Heat Exchange ESPC internationally with a project at the U.S. Embassy Seoul, Korea. Geothermal heat exchangers will replace inefficient oil furnaces and window air conditioners in 157 housing units and the Ambassador's residence. The $5.1 million contract will span 19 years with total cost savings of $12 million and energy savings of 568 billion Btu. The units will provide a cleaner, healthier, environment for U.S. Embassy personnel living in these residences. This project sets an example of the best in U.S. environmental technology and alternative financing.

Reza M. Jafari
Farhad Memarzadeh
Jeffrey Robbins
Ken Roman
John Vilgos
National Institutes of Health

Department of Health and Human Services
Bethesda, Maryland

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is installing a 23-megawatt cogeneration power plant at its facility in Bethesda, Maryland. The power plant will be one of the largest ever built for the Federal Government, saving more than 640 billion Btu and approximately $3.6 million per year. In addition, the plant will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by roughly 100,000 tons per year and other pollutant emissions and particulate matter by close to 600 tons per year. The project cost is approximately $30 million and will be financed by Pepco Services and will be paid through energy savings from the project.

Harry K. Atkins
Perry L. Boeschen
Suvit S. Boyd
Chuck Korytowski
Tony Pensick
Lincoln Energy Conservation Project

General Services Administration
Kansas City, Missouri

The Lincoln Energy Conservation Project was the first project completed with the Department of Energy's Super ESPC contract by the General Services Administration (GSA) Region 6. Using $3.78 million in funding earmarked for replacement of CFC containing chillers and installing an energy management system, the Lincoln Team took a "whole building approach" to complete the project. The $4.4 million contract includes replacing the CFC chillers, installing a building-wide direct digital control system for energy management, converting multi-zone air handling systems to variable air volume, retrofitting light fixtures, replacing steam traps, retrofitting the controls of the boilers, and installing water conserving plumbing fixtures. In order to complete all of the required work, GSA borrowed more than $300,000. Reductions of $119,966 and 23.7 million Btu of annual savings for the building have been realized. The project's annual savings are guaranteed and the loan will be paid off in only 5 years.

Charles Evans
Stan Hall
Michael Harris
Floria Standifer
Timothy Wisner
Atlanta Energy Performance Contract

General Services Administration
Atlanta, Georgia

The Atlanta Energy Performance Contract is a DOE Super ESPC energy project incorporating the major Federal facilities of the General Services Administration's (GSA) Atlanta Property Management Center. The project demonstrates exceptional entrepreneurial drive in achieving the energy reduction requirements of Executive Order 13123. Following the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Energy Star(r) Building methodologies, the project resulted in phenomenal energy savings - more than 30 billion Btu annually - enough to power 990 homes for 1 year. The project has received national recognition by attaining both the DOE Federal Energy Saver Showcase designation and the EPA ENERGY STAR® Building certification for the Richard B. Russell Federal Building.

Alternative Financing Awards to Individuals

Cathe Grosshandler
United States Postal Service
Anchorage, Alaska

Cathe Grosshandler used innovative and creative alternative financing strategies to implement a demonstration project that saved the United States Postal Service (USPS) Anchorage General Mail Facility (GMF) more than $1 million. During the initial investigation, the USPS GMF was discovered to have a backup generator with a diesel underground storage tank that would not meet the 1998 EPA underground storage tank regulations. While looking into tank replacement options, Ms. Grosshandler discovered that a recent facility expansion had created some load problems, inspiring her to implement an alternative energy project. The project provides "green" power to the 300,000 square foot facility and is able to prevent the interruption of mail processing operations caused by power grid outages. Ms. Grosshandler's innovative efforts and perseverance brought this project to fruition.

Renewable Energy Awards to Organizations

Commander, Navy Region Hawaii, Navy Family Housing
Department of the Navy
Honolulu, Hawaii

The Department of the Navy in Hawaii is transforming the market for solar water heating systems in the United States. Taking advantage of incentives offered by the local electric utility company, Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO), the Navy installed approximately 2,000 solar water heating systems on Navy housing units by the end of 2000 which is just the beginning. Additional solar energy systems are already under construction during 2001 and planned for during 2002 on Navy and Marine Corps Bases in Hawaii. In fact, the Navy's goal is to install solar panels in as many new housing projects as possible. Nearly all of the hot water requirements for these units will be from solar energy, and each system is sized to provide a minimum of 90 percent of the hot water heating requirements. The Navy installed 1,703 solar water heating systems through 2000 at a cost of $ 1.8 million to the Navy, after HECO paid nearly $2.25 million in rebates, saving 14.5 billion Btu and $400,000 annually.

Metcalfe Solar Working Group
General Services Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy
Chicago, Illinois

The General Services Administration (GSA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Energy (DOE) formed a multi-agency team to implement a 10 kilowatt solar photovoltaic system for the Ralph H. Metcalfe Building, EPA Region 5 Headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. The team developed and implemented a photovoltaic (PV) solar cell system that demonstrates a non-polluting, renewable energy approach for generating supplemental electricity for building operations. The photovoltaic system, which consists of 84 panels, will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 20,000 lbs per year, equal to the emissions produced from driving an average passenger car 25,117 miles-or once around the world. In addition, an interactive kiosk system that displays the actual energy production of the PV panels is located in the Metcalfe Building lobby. Funded by DOE, this kiosk will be expanded to educate the general public about the benefits of the PV system and will also include segments on other types of renewable energy. This Federal partnership is on the forefront of sustainable building design. The electricity generated from renewable energy offsets more than 61 million Btu yearly.

Renewable Energy Awards to Small Groups

Patrick Dawson
Steve White

General Services Administration, National Capital Region
Washington, D.C.

The General Services Administration's National Capital Region (GSA/NCR) has installed a 100-kilowatt photovoltaic power system at the Suitland Federal Center in Suitland, Maryland. It has been operational since the fall of 2000. This facility showcases renewable energy technology in the National Capital Region. Coordinated through GSA/NCR's Maintenance and Energy Branch, the project was funded by the GSA National Energy Center of Expertise. The largest installation to date in the Million Solar Roofs Initiative, this highly visible demonstration project serves as a working model for future photovoltaic installations. It reduces the Suitland Federal Center's conventional energy needs and offsets production of air pollutants and greenhouse gases. An on- site educational kiosk describes the plant's operation and provides current corresponding emissions reductions. Tours will be conducted for students, business leaders, community activists and elected officials. The Photovoltaic Demonstration Project at the Suitland Federal Center is saving more than 528 million Btu and $58,000 per year.

Rhonda Brooks
Kent Bullard
Keith Duran
Channel Islands National Park

Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Ventura, California

The Channel Islands National Park research vessel, Pacific Ranger, underwent a greening project that reduces its environmental impact while operating in sensitive marine areas. For the past 20 years, the vessel has regularly served as the Park research platform and has consumed more than 185,000 gallons of petroleum diesel fuel. Changes made to eliminate further petroleum diesel fuel consumption include utilizing re-refined motor oils and a "Purafiner" filter system, using battery storage and AC inverters instead of generators, installing a "Bulbous Bow" that reduces friction in the water, and operating the vessel on 100 percent biodiesel fuel. The overall impacts of this conservation project reduced the annual fuel consumption of the Pacific Ranger by 24 percent. Annually, this project has eliminated the use of more than 10,000 gallons of petroleum diesel fuel. The project reduced demand on petroleum resources, decreased exhaust emissions, demonstrated alternative fuels in marine service, and made the Pacific Ranger petroleum free.

Energy Efficiency and Energy Management Awards to Organizations

Navy Region Southwest
Department of the Navy
San Diego, California

Navy Region Southwest (NRSW) played a major role in helping its local utility avoid outages during last summer's energy crisis in California. Innovative and far-reaching demand-side initiatives accounted for the success of their efforts. By adopting new practices, NRSW helped avert Stage 3 alerts and regional rolling outages. New practices include implementing a Resource Efficiency Management program to demonstrate innovative methods of optimizing business practices while reducing costs and enhancing facility operations. New technologies are also being presented such as MVWeb, a Web-based demand management system that identifies electricity anomalies and demand reduction opportunities. NRSW also used distributed generation, including photovoltaics and microturbines as a part of their strategy. These practices have resulted in a savings of 58 billion Btu and approximately $1 million for FY 2000.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Department of Energy
Richland, Washington

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has 3,500 staff in 2 million square feet of building space. In March 2000, PNNL initiated a campaign to recommission its buildings and restructure building operations to run more effectively, efficiently, and environmentally. Energy saving strategies included fine-tuning the HVAC system, adjusting temperatures, and implementing more night setbacks. Savings from this no-cost campaign were 23 billion Btu of energy - 61,632 therms of natural gas, and 5 million kilowatt hours of electricity - compared with energy consumption for March through December 2000. PNNL thus avoided more than $180,000 in expected energy costs.

NAVSEA Carderock, Surface Warfare Center Division
Department of the Navy
Bethesda, Maryland

The NAVSEA Carderock Surface Warfare Center Division had a successful year in 2000, reaping the benefits of its energy efficiency measures by reducing energy consumption by more than 37 billion Btu and saving more than $470,000. After replacing a steam heating system with a gas-fired package boiler, and achieving a cost avoidance of nearly $500,000, they turned to automatic controls to wring out further savings. In 2000, Carderock replaced its 15-year-old Energy Management Control System with state-of-the-art Direct Digital Control systems in 13 buildings. Carderock also completely renovated restroom facilities in three buildings, replacing and reducing the number of fixtures on site. All replacement fixtures are water-efficient and employ state-of-the-art electronic controls. Lights and exhaust fans in the renovated facilities are also automatically controlled using motion-sensing technology. Carderock is also attempting to decrease consumption of petroleum energy sources by using propane and electric ground transportation vehicles, and is promoting alternative transportation among employees to further reduce emissions.

Radford Army Ammunition Plant
United States Army
Radford, Virginia

The Radford Army Ammunition Plant is actively pursuing energy conservation through the implementation of energy projects and energy conservation awareness. The decrease in energy consumed resulted in fuel savings of more than $350,000 and 230 billion Btu. These savings were due primarily to the continued emphasis on low cost/no cost energy conservation initiatives and increased Nitrocotton/Nitrocellulose production, which reduced the magnitude of steam line losses as a percentage of total plant steam. Projects included installing an oxygen trim for powerhouse boilers, reducing reactive power charges from American Electric Power, and varying steam turbine extraction pressures. Increasing plant energy conservation awareness and implementing energy conservation projects also contributed to savings at the Plant.

U.S. Army Europe 6th Area Support Group
Department of the Army
Stuttgart, Germany

During FY 2000, the U.S. Army Europe's 6th Area Support Group (ASG) continued its successful energy program through implementation of numerous energy and water management projects, energy audits, and an active energy awareness program that has reduced energy intensity by 8 percent versus FY 1999 levels. The energy reductions translate to cost avoidance and savings of more than $1 million. During FY 2000, the 6th ASG invested and implemented $450,000 in energy conservation projects. A major effort included retrofitting more than 80,000 exit signs throughout 80 buildings with new Light Emitting Diodes, installing approximately 400 motion sensors in 40 buildings to turn off lights during unoccupied hours, and using photo cells to control outside lighting. Total energy savings for the 6th ASG is more than 96 billion Btu.

Holston Army Ammunition Plant
BAE Systems

Department of the Army
Kingsport, Tennessee

For FY 2000, Holston's energy usage decreased by 1.7 percent, resulting in a coal and electricity cost reduction of 5.4 percent and 4.4 percent, respectively, from FY 1999 levels. This reduction is more significant when considering that no coal was produced in FY 1999 but 2.5 million lbs of coal were produced during FY 2000. Energy saving measures included low cost/no cost maintenance efforts such as peak demand shaving, steam trap maintenance, and reduction of steam pressure. Projects at the plant such as the modernization of the Explosive Plant also contributed to energy reduction. Energy conservation initiatives implemented during FY 2000 that contributed to Holston's energy performance were estimated to have reduced the Plant's energy usage by more than 72.2 billion Btu and energy costs by more than $1 million.

Energy Efficiency/Energy Management Awards to Small Groups

Jim Bertrand
LT. Tammy Gray
Charles Guess
Kelly Jordan
Ron Trepanier
17th Training Wing

United States Air Force
Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas

In order to meet and exceed the Federally mandated energy reduction goals set forth in Executive Order 13123, the 17th Training Wing Energy Team continually strives to find new ways to improve energy conservation throughout Goodfellow Air Force Base. The Energy Team manages all areas of conservation from energy management to HVAC improvements. Together, the Team made Goodfellow AFB a leader in energy awareness and conservation. During FY 2000, the Energy Team implemented a $3 million ESPC with the Army Corps of Engineers. Nine new energy saving HVAC projects, extensive updates and improvements to the Energy Management Control System and a highly visible energy awareness program contributed to savings of more than 25 billion Btu and $246,000 per year for the Base.

James Crockett
Ron Judkoff
Larry N. Kilborn
Patrick Shea
Paul Torcellini, PE, Ph.D.
Department of the Interior's National Park Service with
Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Golden, Colorado

The Zion National Park Visitor Center design process was a collaborative effort between the National Park Service's Denver Service Center and the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Team members from NREL's Buildings and Thermal Systems Center provided technical support to optimize the energy performance of the building. The Denver Service Center developed the architectural design with input from NREL about the energy implications of design decisions. This "whole-building systems integration" process started in pre-design and continued through to commissioning occupancy. The process resulted in a building that uses 66 percent less energy than code, and is virtually immune to the frequent power outages in the region. The project represents a synthesis of passive heating, cooling and daylighting, energy efficiency, and photovoltaic technology. Shading, natural ventilation, passive evaporative cool-towers, clerestories, trombe walls, direct solar gain, thermal mass, high efficiency lights, and 7 kilowatts of photovoltaics all work together to nearly eliminate loads. The project resulted in cost savings of more than $10,000 and 309 million Btu in site energy and 1 billion Btu in source energy.

Innovative/New Technology Awards to Organizations

Europe-Med Acquisition Team
Department of the Navy
Port Hueneme, California

The Department of the Navy Euro-Med Acquisition Team designed an ESPC in a record 6 months and 11 days from requirement identification to contract and first project award. Not only was the speed of the ESPC development impressive, but it was done while meeting the special needs of seven separate foreign countries and was accomplished by team members spread across nine time zones. The Navy will avoid $1.3 million in annual energy-related costs and 185 billion Btu due to the implementation of energy conservation measures 1 year in advance of previous lead times. The Navy accomplished the energy reductions by effectively integrating the technical requirements of performance contracting and the streamlined processes of fast track source selection. Projects at Naval Air Station Sigonella (Italy), Naval Air Station Rota (Spain), and Naval Activities United Kingdom are in progress as of December 2000 and would not have been contemplated if the acquisition-streamlining procedures had not been implemented.

Naval Base Ventura County
Department of the Navy
Point Mugu, California

One of two Naval facilities designated as a Federal Energy Saver Showcase, Building 850 at Naval Base Ventura County has been designed to fully demonstrate state-of-the-art technologies. The building is designed to make use of 100 percent natural daylighting and has zero net energy usage from the electric utility. Sustainable building design technologies and products are incorporated throughout the building, and its renewable energy technologies include a 31 kilovolt-ampere photovoltaic (PV) array and a solar water heating system. Excess power not used by Building 850 is routed to the electrical grid for use by other Base requirements. The PV system also provides non-interruptible power to computers, lighting, ventilation, and control systems. While the energy savings are substantial in Building 850, even greater value will be realized through the replication and the adoption of the building's cutting-edge technologies by other public and private sector organizations.

The John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum
Fish and Wildlife Service

Department of the Interior
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The new Cusano Environmental Education Center at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Tinicum, Pennsylvania, is a model for the conservation and efficient use of energy and water. The Center incorporates geothermal heating and cooling, energy-efficient lighting, a well-insulated building envelope, and natural daylighting to reduce building energy consumption. Other sustainable design strategies include use of green building materials with significant recycled content. The geothermal heating and cooling system alone is estimated to save approximately 25 percent of the energy compared to a conventional system. In addition, the Center has implemented an innovative on-site "marsh machine," an organic wastewater treatment plant. Estimated savings for the project include $3,850 for the geothermal heat pump alone and more than 119 million Btu for FY 2000.

Innovative/New Technology Awards to Small Groups

Patrina Eiffert
Nate Eisenpress
Kendall Kam
Steve Meder
Art Seki
Ford Island Boathouse Building Integrated PV System

Department of the Navy
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

A partnership between the Commander Navy Region Hawaii; Pacific Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command; Hawaiian Electric Company; the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; and, the University of Hawaii, resulted in the installation of a 2.8 kilowatt building-integrated photovoltaic (PV) roof system on the Ford Island boathouse in Pearl Harbor. This demonstration project generates nearly 3 kilowatts of electricity under full sun from a series of PV modules imbedded into the roofing material of the boathouse. The system generates nearly 5,000 kilowatt hours per year, producing an annual savings of approximately $500. The project is helping the Navy to evaluate the potential use of PV systems integrated with building materials to help meet electricity requirements, and its use as an emission reduction strategy. The system is estimated to save more than 16.6 million Btu per year.

Jerard Butler
Barbara McPhelim
Ken Shutika
Don Stiteler
Aggregate Power Procurement Team

General Services Administration
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The General Services Administration (GSA) Mid-Atlantic Region combined the electric requirements of six of their sites with the electric requirements of two non-GSA accounts and went looking to buy with the combined requirement of 3 million kilowatt hours of renewable electricity. The innovative aggregate power purchase approach resulted in an account large enough to entice very competitive pricing. The method allowed GSA to purchase 100 percent renewable power from 100 percent renewable resources with little or no price premium versus long-term regulated rates. The GSA purchased Green-E certified biomass electricity. The contract was GSA's first procurement for renewable power in Pennsylvania.

Effective Program Implementation and Management Awards to Organizations

NAVSEA Crane, Surface Warfare Center Division
Department of Navy
Crane, Indiana

The NAVSEA Crane, Surface Warfare Center Division in Crane, Indiana, targeted the improvement of the Center's heating and air conditioning systems. After pinpointing high energy-consuming buildings through analysis of utility bills, Crane enlisted the support of its 96 Building Energy Monitors and Public Works Inspectors to perform building envelope surveys, and identify and correct cold air infiltration and areas of heat loss. The result was a solid success with a 21 percent reduction in Btu during winter months and a major steam trap repair effort which saved 10 million Btu and $68,000 per year. Crane also repaired steam leaks, saving $37,901. In the summer, a major effort went into repairing or replacing thermostat controls and optimizing systems. The thermostat replacement is saving more than 7 billion Btu annually with a cost savings of $48,409 per year. The effort resulted in a 2 percent reduction in Btu during summer months. Energy consumption was reduced by 8.3 percent for FY 2000 as a result of Crane's diligent efforts. By implementing the basic principles of energy management: contain, control, and optimization, as well as utilizing employee awareness and outreach activities, the Crane Energy Management Program is maximizing the Center's energy benefits.

You Have the Power Campaign
Washington, D.C.

Recognizing that personal behavior is critically important to reducing energy consumption, the You Have the Power Energy Awareness Campaign was launched by DOE's Federal Energy Management Program in 1997 to assist Federal energy managers in spreading the word about energy-efficient practices and products, as well as facilitate partnerships with energy-related organizations in the private sector. Now in its fifth year, the campaign instills energy efficiency as a basic value among Federal agencies, private sector companies that work with them, and the general public that use, enjoy, and depend on Federal facilities. The campaign's theme is designed to give every Federal worker authority to take positive action to implement Federal energy reduction goals. Twenty of the largest Federal agencies participate in the You Have the Power Campaign. Along with hosting Interagency planning meetings, working with Agency Coordinators on a one-on-one basis, and utilizing a wide array of outreach materials and events, the campaign recognizes Energy Champions who have developed and advocated innovative practices at their agencies that save energy and money, and improve the efficiency of the Federal Government. During FY 2000, the campaign recognized 71 new Federal Energy Champions, bringing the total number of Energy Champions to 296 since the inception of the campaign.

Property Management Division
General Services Administration
Great Lakes Region
Chicago, Illinois

The General Services Administration's Great Lakes Region is focusing significant attention on older and historic Federal courthouses as a part of its Courthouse Energy Renovation Program. The courthouses, most of which are between 69 and 101 years old, were in need of significant upgrades. Funds from the Energy Center of Expertise allowed for whole building retrofits of three Federal courthouses in Indianapolis, Indiana; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and, South Bend, Indiana. More than $1.44 million was invested in the three courthouses saving more than 13 billion Btu and $168,000 annually. All three courthouses qualified for the Energy Star(r) label during 2000 and have received numerous other building awards. The whole building retrofits for the courthouses consisted of energy management system improvements, lighting upgrades, steam trap replacements, and direct digital control upgrades, among others.

Effective Program Implementation and Management Awards to Small Groups

Richard H. Crowson
Peter Greenberg
Michael Hoffman
Margaret Lewis
Jane Loyer
U.S. Embassy Energy-Efficient Lighting Retrofits

Department of State
Arlington, Virginia

In an effort to provide full lighting efficiency services to eight U.S. Missions that would otherwise be unable to support such projects, managers from the State Department's Utility Management Program teamed up with the DOE's Bonneville Power Administration and Energy Wise Lighting, a private contractor. Many of the project locations are in areas where utility costs are high, utility availability is uncertain, and mission maintenance staff is strained or non-existent. For FY 2000, the project saved $188,365 and more than 5 billion Btu during FY 2000. The U.S. Missions receiving the benefit of these lighting services include Singapore, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Phnom Penh and Laos, Cambodia, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Bogota, Colombia, Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti, Havana, Cuba, and T'blisi, Republic of Georgia. By minimizing overall costs and maximizing utility services to U.S. Missions, the State Department's Utility Management Program reaches many diverse locations around the world.

James Kuo
Carol Lautzenheiser
Guy Lunay
Kevin Myles
Mark Trimarchi

General Services Administration
Greater Southwest Region
Fort Worth, Texas

The General Services Administration's (GSA) Greater Southwest Energy Team has successfully accomplished much ground breaking work in the way GSA procures utility services, energy-efficient building equipment, building infrastructure improvements, and energy conservation services. During FY 2000 alone, the Energy Team completed three projects that resulted in significant energy and maintenance savings, and allowed the needed replacement of aging equipment. Two of these projects were financed through an ESPC and one was funded outright. The three projects, encompassing 26 GSA buildings in Texas, will save more than 30 billion Btu and $740,000 per year, in energy, water, and maintenance costs. The largest project is a $3.97 million, multiple-building ESPC project, covering seven GSA buildings in the Austin, Texas area. The Energy Team's work has provided a substantial and much needed supplement to the limited funds available for updating, repairing, and maintaining the region's Federal properties.

LTC Carmen Anderson
LTC Scott Ayers, PE, CEM
CW3 Rickey Johns, CEM
LTC Don Juhasz, ME, CEM
Sam Truax, PE, CEM
Army National Guard

Department of the Army
Arlington, Virginia

With its broad-based energy program, the Army National Guard's Energy Working Group serves 29,608 facilities in all 50 states and several U.S. Territories. During FY 2000, the Energy Working Group assisted in the development and implementation of energy projects totaling more than $5.3 million, including the first Energy Conservation Investment Program military construction project that was awarded for $850,000. Eight comprehensive energy audits were completed at 122 facilities resulting in 378 projects with a first year savings of $1.2 million. The Energy Working Group managed wind data and installed a 225-kilowatt wind turbine with an annual savings of $22,000. To enhance energy awareness, the Energy Working Group provided two energy manager training courses and an executive course for 127 energy managers and the Army National Guard's leadership. The Energy Working Group also hosted Army National Guard Day at Energy 2000 for approximately 90 participants and presented energy awareness briefings at the Army National Guard's National Engineering Conference for 328 Army National Guard engineering participants.

Effective Program Implementation and Management Awards to Individuals

Thomas W. Waller
Columbus Air Force Base
Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi

Assertive energy management and consistent dedication are just a few of the exemplary characteristics that Thomas Waller brings to the Energy Program at Columbus Air Force Base. His technical expertise and mission minded service have improved the Base's infrastructure, reduced maintenance requirements, and increased operations. Through Mr. Waller's efforts, the highlight of Columbus AFB's Energy Program is a phenomenal increase of nearly 11 percent in energy efficiency at the Base. During FY 2000, Mr. Waller partnered with the Tennessee Valley Authority to analyze the potential application of capacitor banks to lower the power factor of Columbus AFB's electric service. Doing so reduced the Base's summer cooling costs by $3,000 per month. Under Mr. Waller's leadership the Energy Program's "Tiger" Team conducted a comprehensive facility review targeting not only the HVAC system, but other factors which change its efficiency and optimization. The Team initiated an energy monitoring and control system-supported trend log analyses and hands-on facility surveys. The evaluations will result in an estimated annual energy savings of 205 million Btu. During FY 2000, Mr. Waller also reviewed $2.3 million in construction projects for energy efficiency by using his engineering expertise, a highly-coordinated systems approach, and a thorough assessment of all energy-related systems. In addition, his rigorous implementation of ESPC contracting has proven its effectiveness. Mr. Waller's consistent efforts during FY 2000 made the year an outstanding success for the Columbus AFB Energy Program.

Garland Scott
Air Education and Training Command

Randolph Air Force Base
United States Air Force
Randolph Air Force Base, Texas

Spearheading one of the most effective and efficient energy programs in the Air Force, Garland Scott brings 25 years of energy management experience and knowledge to the 13 Air Force installations at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Mr. Scott's dedication to the Air Education and Training Command's (AETC) Energy Management Program has been instrumental in AETC achieving a 22.2 percent reduction over its 1985 baseline. He developed and implemented the AETC Energy Management Incentive Award in which 13 Air Force installations compete for $100,000 each year for their Energy Awareness and Conservation Programs. The program has sparked genuine interest within the command and has contributed to AETC consistently meeting or exceeding energy reduction goals. Mr. Scott's efforts to finance energy efficiency improvements have resulted in the development of 15 ESPC task orders totaling $44 million. The ESPC's will result in a cumulative reduction in energy savings of $5.2 million per year and save 287 billion Btu per year with a total of 5.1 trillion Btu saved over the life of the contracts. He was also responsible for developing ten task orders for utility energy service contracts. Mr. Scott's other noteworthy accomplishments at Randolph AFB include the installation of a 1.2 million gallon thermal energy storage tank, central chiller plant tie-ins for six additional facilities, and removal of six energy-hog chillers, and automatic controls to capture peak-load savings. The upgrade to the Base became a model for several other initiatives at AETC. Mr. Scott's keen knowledge of the energy field coupled with his extraordinary knowledge and involvement in alternative financing have proven critical to the successful implementation of over $200 million in projects.

Exceptional Service Awards

Ron Durfey
United States Marine Corps
Yuma, Arizona

Located in the Southwest corner of Arizona, the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma is the most heavily utilized air facility in the Marine Corps. Because of its location and mission requirements, the MCAS had to be both creative and versatile in dealing with energy and water usage that directly affect productivity and working conditions at the Air Station and the quality of life for Marine Corps personnel and family members. With dwindling Federal funding available for energy conservation, Mr. Durfey was one of the first energy managers to implement guidance issued by Headquarters, Marine Corps, to utilize alternative financing to execute energy efficiency projects. These projects include lighting retrofits, replacement of antiquated motor generators, and recommissioning of thermal energy storage units. Under Mr. Durfey's leadership, MCAS Yuma has reduced energy consumption at its shore facilities by more than 25 percent versus the 1985 baseline.

William G. King, Jr.
United States Air Force
Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska

William King's innovative approach to energy management has consistently helped to save energy and improve the efficiency on Eielson Air Force Base. His tireless efforts during FY 2000 will result in an energy and water savings performance contract that will save approximately 24 billion Btu per year, equating to more than $330,000 saved annually. His expertise in renewable energy sources ensured the conversion of 1,505 tons of solid waste into a usable fuel source for Eielson Air Force Base. Mr. King's impressive knowledge of utility systems was instrumental in the planning, design, and construction of several distribution projects that may save the Base over $3 million in energy costs annually.

Gene McCann
Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Academy
Federal Aviation Administration Academy

Department of Transportation
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Gene McCann is the energy coordinator of the Academy organization at Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center's (MMAC) largest single energy-consuming entity. As energy coordinator, Mr. McCann undertook an energetic campaign to instill new attitudes about and commitment to energy conservation in a complex organization. The Academy's mission requires providing diverse training classes and operating major energy-consuming equipment beyond normal office hours. Conserving energy would require that MMAC's systems be operated differently. The Academy's energy consumption was not being reduced nearly enough to comply with Federal mandates of MMAC's reduction goals. Mr. McCann has been successful in incorporating energy efficiency in all new and renovation construction projects. Directly due to Mr. McCann's perseverance and imaginative campaigning, the Academy has become one of the most energy conscious and efficient organizations within MMAC. His accomplishments include establishing an energy conservation team, developing an Academy energy conservation plan, and exceeding quarterly goals by 7 percent, remarkably through one of the coldest winters on record. As a result of Mr. McCann's efforts, MMAC saved more than $134,000 and 13 billion Btu during FY 2000.

Director's Award to Individuals

James Trocke
United States Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Iwakuni

Chief James Trocke is receiving the 2001 Director's award for his role in three projects undertaken during FY 2000. As Air Station Energy Manager, Chief Trocke orchestrated Energy Awareness Week 2000, full of fun and innovative events which encouraged all Air Station residents to focus on energy conservation and usage. On a regular basis, Chief Trocke ensures that the Air Station is using its limited and expensive resources to their fullest. Renegotiation of the Base's electrical billing rates, implementation of an aggressive underground pipeline water leak detection plan, and a comprehensive energy conservation awareness program are just a few outstanding achievements Chief Trocke spearheaded during FY 2000. To combat the long term effects of incurring new electrical consumption peak levels, the Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, and Chief Trocke implemented a comprehensive action plan called "Green Out" during FY 2000. Recognizing the costly nature of setting new electrical consumption peaks, the command implemented a comprehensive, power shaving plan to reduce electrical loads during critical time periods. Aggressive on-Base media coverage and Base-wide flash e-mail messages on all station personal computers ensured that all electrical power users participated in reducing office, household, and workplace usage where feasible. As a result of the entire Air Station's cooperation in this program, new electrical peak charges were avoided. This Base-wide effort, along with Mr. Trocke's personal achievements have saved the Iwakuni Air Station more than 50 billion Btu and more than $1.5 million.

ENERGY STAR Building Award for Superior Performance

ENERGY STAR is a symbol of energy efficiency established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Buildings that are among the top 25 percent nationwide in terms of energy performance (earning a benchmarking score of 75 or greater) and maintain an indoor environment that conforms to industry standards can qualify to receive the ENERGY STAR label for buildings.

In FY 2000 the following buildings, operated and maintained by the General Services Administration (GSA), achieved a benchmarking score of 95 or higher:

Prince Kuhio Kalanianole Federal Building, U.S. Courthouse Honolulu, Hawaii
El Paso Federal Office Building El Paso, Texas
Federal Building, U.S. Courthouse Lafayette, Louisiana
Federal Building Tucson, Arizona
U.S. Customhouse New Orleans, Louisiana
A. Maceo Smith Federal Building Dallas, Texas
Federal Building, U.S. Courthouse Las Vegas, Nevada
Chet Holifield Federal Building Laguna Niguel, California

The superior performance rating of these Federal buildings reflects the leadership, dedication, and contributions of GSA building designers, operators, and managers who are responsible for the Federal Government's real property assets.