Energy Resources for Educators

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy supports research and development of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies to strengthen U.S. economic growth, energy security, and environmental quality. 

Energy Videos

A screen shot of a hand-drawn city skyline on a green canvas with a play button in the middle of the screen shot

K-12 Resources

Solar Decathlon Education Resources

Go to the Solar Decathlon site for education resources geared toward kindergarten through high school. These include energy efficiency and renewable energy curriculums, activities, and Solar Decathlon design and construction documents.

National Energy Education Development Project

The U.S. Department of Energy partnered with the National Energy Education Development Project (NEED) to create free energy education resources for classroom and educational use. For more information and to download NEED energy education materials, visit

Energy Education Resources in Spanish

Find energy-related educational resources in Spanish.