Low-GWP Refrigerants for Refrigeration Systems

Lead Performer: Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Oak Ridge, TN


June 18, 2014
minute read time
Photo of a man standing next to rows of plastic storage bins.

Brian Fricke conducts research in ORNL's Building Technologies Research & Integration Center.

Lead Performer: Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Oak Ridge, TN
-- Honeywell - Morristown, NJ
-- University of Maryland - College Park, MD
DOE Funding: $4,850,000
Cost Share: Provided by CRADA partner
Project Term: October 1, 2010 - September 30, 2016

Graphic of Life Cycle Climate Performance of supermarket refrigeration.

Life Cycle Climate Performance of supermarket refrigeration.

Credit: Oak Ridge National Lab

Project Objective

To develop low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerant solutions for the heating, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) market through leadership in Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP) modeling, experimental evaluation, and field testing. The CRADA partner will develop next generation of low GWP refrigerants to be evaluated at ORNL. ORNL will evaluate systems and components to identify the potential benefit from these refrigerants. Current low-GWP alternatives may increase energy consumption, introduce safety risks, and require significant equipment modifications. Effective alternatives are required to achieve the Building Technologies Office’s goal of reducing service equipment energy consumption and carbon emissions by 50% compared to current best practices.

Project Impact

This project developed and validated an Open Source LCCP Design Tool available for public. Furthermore, best practice guidelines for supermarket low GWP refrigerant switch-over with a documented field study results will be developed. This would have significant potential in reducing the potent greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining or reducing energy consumption at the pre-retrofit levels.


DOE Technology Manager: Tony Bouza
Performer: Brian Fricke, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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