
Advanced Manufacturing Office 2020 Year in Review

Throughout 2020, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) and our partners worked to enhance energy and material...

Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Technologies Office

December 31, 2020
minute read time

Throughout 2020, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) and our partners worked to enhance energy and material efficiency for manufacturers. From early-stage research and development (R&D) to field validation and verification efforts, AMO focused on technologies that meet national needs and support U.S. manufacturing competitiveness.

2020 was also a year filled with collaboration. AMO played an important role in shaping DOE's cross-cutting initiatives, working closely with offices across the Department to harness our collective capabilities to encourage future U.S. leadership and create thriving ecosystems for manufacturing innovation.

As the year draws to a close, AMO is looking back on top news and successes from 2020:  

Major News from AMO

  • Multi-topic Funding Opportunities Support U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness Through Innovation

    In February, DOE announced $187 million in funding, including $48 million of cost share, for 55 projects in 25 states to support innovative advanced manufacturing research and development. These projects address high-impact manufacturing technology, materials, and process challenges that position the U.S. for global leadership in advanced manufacturing.

    Later in the year, DOE announced up to $67 million for research and development for next-generation manufacturing processes that improve energy efficiency in energy-intensive industries, including steel and chemical manufacturing; and connected, flexible, and efficient manufacturing facilities and energy systems, including the integration of direct air capture. Selections for this funding opportunity are coming soon.

  • An Agile Response to COVID-19

    During this unprecedented year, AMO witnessed how past investments in manufacturing enabled an agile, rapid response to challenges associated with COVID-19. 

    In March, students and professors in a manufacturing traineeship based at Georgia Tech for face shields and other personal protective equipment for the Atlanta-area healthcare community.

    In June, AMO detailed how researchers at two advanced manufacturing facilities at DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed new ways to rapidly produce N95 filters, masks, face shields, and test kit components. In support of medical professionals on the front lines of the pandemic response, these efforts armed the manufacturing industry information needed to pivot and rapidly expand production for essential materials.

    Note: DOE's COVID-19 response is led by the Office of Science.

  • A New Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute

    In May, DOE announced the selection of the University of Texas – San Antonio to lead the Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CyManII), a public-private consortium to bolster U.S. manufacturing competitiveness, energy efficiency, and innovation. CyManII, which began operations in November, will focus on early-stage research and development to advance cybersecurity in energy-efficient manufacturing.

  • Field Validation and Verification Initiatives

    In 2020, AMO released a number of initiatives designed to accelerate industry adoption of next-generation, energy-efficient manufacturing technologies.

    • In May, DOE announced up to $30 million for critical materials-related R&D focusing on field validation and verification, as well as next-generation extraction, separation, and processing technologies.
    • In October, DOE launched the Industrial Technology Validation (ITV) pilot to support industry in testing innovative technologies in dynamic, industrial environments. The pilot's results will be shared widely to encourage industry uptake of technologies with the potential to generate significant operational efficiency improvements for U.S. industry, including water / wastewater treatment facilities.

AMO's Work in DOE-wide Grand Challenges

AMO's 2020 Success Stories

On the Horizon in 2021

Happy holidays from the Advanced Manufacturing Office. Thank you to all of our stakeholders – including National Laboratories, state and local governments, academia, the private sector, and more – for your dedicated work in 2020.

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  • Advanced Manufacturing Processes
  • American Manufacturing
  • Circular Economy and Sustainable Manufacturing
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Storage