EM News Archive

A group of panelists sitting at a table on a stage speaking into microphones
A perfect fit for this year’s Waste Management Symposia theme, “Proud of our Past, Poised for the Future,” this panel focused on the past 50 years of environmental remediation and engaged with the audience on challenges and opportunities as cleanup progress continues.
Graphic with a collage of pictures of the Salt Water Processing Facility at SRS
EM’s liquid waste contractor at the Savannah River Site (SRS) this month marked the first direct transfer of decontaminated waste from the Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF) to the Saltstone Production Facility (SPF), an important new step in optimizing waste processing.
GIF of rotating pictures of the Hanford B Reactor
Public tours are set to resume this month for a limited time at the Hanford Site’s B Reactor National Historical Park, part of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park, which also includes facilities in Los Alamos, New Mexico, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
The deputy secretary of the Department of Energy on video on a stage
In the half century since the inception of the Waste Management Symposia, many EM sites have come full circle, cleaned and transformed into wildlife refuges, wetland preserves and national parks, U.S. Deputy Energy Secretary David Turk remarked in a prerecorded video message to the audience at the annual conference.