From: Peter Pry [redacted email.] Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 11:41 AM To: ElectricSystemEO Subject: [EXTERNAL] Executive Order 13920 "SECURING THE U.S. BULK POWER SYSTEM" I write in support of removing suspension, and strengthening, Executive Order 13920 “Securing the U.S. Bulk Power System.” U.S. utilities should reduce their dependency on foreign supplied transformers, SCADAs and other equipment vital to operation of electric grids, especially from China. China’s cyber-blackout of Mumbai, India, and subsequent calls by India’s national security officials to replace SCADAs and transformers manufactured in China, illustrates the danger of relying on critical equipment of foreign manufacture. Transformers and SCADAs made in China could be deliberately designed vulnerable to EMP and cyber-attack. Even if such equipment is not designed with built-in vulnerabilities, since China is the manufacturer, they could be better positioned than the United States to discover EMP and cyber-vulnerabilities in the equipment supplied to the U.S. Even equipment manufactured by U.S. allies, such as Germany and South Korea, may not be secure because of the long chain of custody, affording many opportunities for hostile foreign actors to “cyber-sabotage” equipment. Has the U.S. learned nothing from the Stuxnet Worm and Colonial Pipeline? See below for a report on further recommendations to protect the national electric grid from EMP and Cyber Warfare.