Haxtun Wind Energy Project, Logan and Phillips Counties, Colorado
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
October 20, 2011Haxtun Wind Energy Project, Logan and Phillips Counties, Colorado
For more information, contact:
Ms. Melissa Rossiter
Department of Energy
Golden Field Office
1617 Cole Blvd,
Golden, Colorado 80401
Electronic mail: [email protected]
DOE is proposing to authorize the expenditure of Federal funding through the Community Renewable Energy Deployment Program to Phillips County for design, permitting, and construction of an approximately 30-megawatt wind energy project, known as Haxtun Wind Project, within Phillips and Logan counties in northeastern Colorado. The proposed project consists of 18 wind turbines that would interconnect to the Highline Electric Cooperative equipment inside Western Area Power Administration's Haxtun substation just south of the Town of Haxtun.