Categorical Exclusion Determinations: Golden Field Office

Association of American State Geologist Submissions to the National Geothermal Data System - New Jersey Submission CX(s) Applied: B3.1 Date: 05/07/2012 Location(s): New Jersey Offices(s): Golden Field Office
Columbus City American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant - Downtown Bike Infrastructure Improvement CX(s) Applied: A9, B1.33, B5.1 Date: 05/02/2012 Location(s): Ohio Offices(s): Golden Field Office
Association of American State Geologist Submissions to the National Geothermal Data System - Utah CX(s) Applied: B3.1, B3.6 Date: 05/01/2012 Location(s): Utah Offices(s): Golden Field Office