Creston-Bell Rebuild Project, Lincoln and Spokane Counties, Washington (aka DOE/EA-4406)
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
May 7, 2012Creston-Bell Rebuild Project, Lincoln and Spokane Counties, Washington (aka DOE/EA-4406)
This EA evaluates the potential environmental impacts of a proposal to rebuild the Creston-Bell 115-kilovolt transmission line. The 54-mile long, wood pole line extends from the BPA Creston substation to the BPA Bell substation in Lincoln and Spokane Counties, Washington.
The EA Revision Sheet combined with the Preliminary EA constitutes the final EA. The final EA includes a Floodplain Statement of Findings and a Mitigation Action Plan that outlines the mitigation measures that will be implemented during and after construction. Construction begins in mid May, 2012 and will be completed in the winter of 2012.